Mythic 7+ should give gilded crests

I just don’t see why m+ players have to be stuck with only the vault and crafting for myth track gear while raiders will be able to zug zug the heroic+ bosses for a weekly source of myth track gear+cache until they hit the wall bosses. Raid difficulty is more about organization until a certain point where many factors come into play, while m+ progression hits a hard gearing wall despite its scaling.

Like I’m fine with mythic raid being rewarding, but having myth track cap way higher than hero track, having it allow you to skip steps with hero crests, and just having the first half of the raid tuned toward end of heroic levels while m+ gets one vault piece a week feels way too imbalanced. M+ should have a path toward more than one myth track piece of gear a week I don’t care if it comes from 12 or whatever but there should be some weekly source of gear that drops from a key or there should be some way to upgrade m+ by tier ie turning a hero piece into a myth piece on a weekly or biweekly basis.

S4 makes loot feel irrelevant. Everyone gets everything.

If you seek an echo chamber, relocate to the nearest welcoming Discord.

If you seek a job, please choose one with the right working hours that prevent you from being on the forums at this particular time.

stop replying to him, he is a tiny lizard troll.
That’s all he does.

Or there is a far worse explanation, and it is about his iq. if this is the case it is true that as humanity we are living our last century.

Gear acts as a soft nerf to content. It’s more than just “crests are limited.”

Yeah, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

where in the world are you getting 3 crests a dungeon

Yea, This sounds about right. But Ide put it at +5 and you gain 1 more via every +5 lvls you do or something. idk just a idea.

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I get 2-3 crests per dungeon when not capped. I’m not sure what YOU’RE doing

May I suggest you recuse yourself from public spaces? This type of behavior is not acceptable.

Screenshot please?

Lowest you ever get is 5.

It’s ok to not be able to clear the higher M+ in the first couple weeks of a season. It’s ok for it to take some time for people to upgrade their gear, craft gear, get more experience, before they can clear the harder difficulties.

Crest caps will go up, gear will be upgraded. It will be fine.

5 for a failed dungeon 12 for a success

go away troll.
learn to read, and then understand what you read. then consumate it.

I think 8s and higher should give the highest crests.


You are resorting to personal attacks because we have a difference in opinion.

It would be nice if the end game goal was to clear the content you want to clear, but thats just not the reality.

People need rewards for doing it. Tangible rewards. The end game goal is the gear. It always has been, regardless of who will admit it.

A gearless game centered around endless mythic plus sounds fun.

No need to worry about gear, or anything else.

I think some company is trying that approach but with a 4 man format.

It was ok how it worked in s3 and s4. And people had more fun with that system.

I really dont see people’s obsession with slowing the game down.


Besides the point. I couldn’t even login right now if I wanted to. Way to deflect from the argument of timegating. 12 for timing is still 6 dungeons and you’re capped for the week. Imagine that. That’s not even how many dungeons you need to cap your vault. So many holes in this logic.

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yeah yeah, try to be political, that’s gonna work out well enough.

There is no opinion difference. Read my original post… Such a troll.
Go away please. do something else and be productive.

I wish I could block your messages.