I feel like people have this strange idea that an evoker’s damage would somehow double in they took 10 steps back and were still able to cast Disintegrate, or that people somehow think Hover is 100% tied to damage, when it’s just not. Like, an evoker standing still would do about the same damage as an evoker that cast Hover to dodge a fireball. Hover is just an evasive tactic or a method of staying in range while continuing to cast 2-3 spells on the move, not the secret to your success.
And extending evoker range would hardly make them the same as any other class since they have quite a few other very unique traits.
Fire Breath/Eternity Surge would like to talk to you. They seem upset.
My wishlist for Devastation might be a bit complicated…
I wish for a spec-overhaul.
Make it truely hybrid melee/“range”
Give it a ressource they build and can spend with melee attacks. Give that a finisher move too, like something that procs after 3 Azure strike in melee.
Ressource building happenes at their mid range. By casting blue and red spells.
Make it so both need to be cast in order to be fully optimal.
As for how to switch between melee and range use a hover charge. It already propels you forward. And after the melee combo give it the return treatment from deep breath(in the talent tree currently.
The fact that you still don’t understand this is wrong is baffling.
It’s amazing how authoritative you are on the blizzard design process and what they’d do, but they would absolutely need to gut mobility to give 40 yards.
The better question is why you think they wouldn’t. You genuinely think the spec needs 15 more yards with zero tradeoff when it’s performing very well?
Congrats on explaining how max sims work, but this is not how actual encounters work. If you never had to move you wouldn’t “need” 40 yards, either.
The simple fact is that there are very few moments in raid or dungeon content where we aren’t able to DPS because of range where others are, and devastation does very well on those fights overall so it’s clearly not a hindrance. If we had even a running theme of fights (or even one fight) where uptime was a challenge because of range, I’d be here arguing for more range too.
If people want to be a long range turret class, there are options available. There’s no reason to homogenize something unique because people can’t/won’t get used to it.
You’ll have to explain to me how Hover is actually dps ability, and not for simply the fact that it allows you to cast 3 spells while moving, because being able to cast while moving does not improve your dps, it simply allows it when needed.
It’s called logic. No one is complaining about breath’s short range because those ranges make sense as they are frontal cones and require precision to use and a 40-yard cone would be far more troublesome than helpful, duh. Only the spells usuable during hover would be relevant to an increased range.
The better question is what’s the tradeoff for the short range? And…I’m getting tired of saying it, but here goes…it’s not about class performance, it’s about player accessibility. I’ve heard soo many times about players straight up not playing the class because of the short range, players complaining about the short range in PvP, players noting the many problems for a squishy class to need to be so close to the boss that they’re usually standing with melee. It works, yes, but not easily. It’s the hardmode class for casters and it doesn’t need to be.
We do. It’s been noted by pros and it’s probably just going to get worse from here as we move away from the class’s birthing expansion. Not definitely, but probably. The fact is that Blizz has hobbled themselves for the sake of a single class’s very specific limitation and I’m sure that will get annoying for them before long.
And last, but most importantly, people are ASKING for it.
Are you trolling? Having high uptime cast-while-moving is absolutely a DPS increase over not having it. If you had to interrupt casts constantly to reposition, you’d lose a ton of DPS.
Ah, yes, a truly logical, hypothetical, pie in the sky change lol. How silly of me to wonder how you “know” what they’d do if they changed something that doesn’t need changing.
Except that it’s not. This is a game balanced off top end performance, not the mean or bottom end. It’s okay not to like it, but this isn’t the game for you if you don’t.
And the warrior forum has been asking for glad stance en masse for over a decade.
The GD forum has by FAR more threads asking for no timers in m+ than this forum has people asking for more range.
This game has always had people complaining for design to make their class easier so that they don’t have to try to get better at something.
Worst justification ever.
We don’t. The example commonly used is Nymue and dev is a top 4 DPS spec on that fight.
Tell me what fights we have performance issues on because targets are consistently out of range?
At this point his statement there makes it obvious that it’s a waste of time trying to explain.
He’s created his own justifications for how the game works that aren’t based in facts or data and is so convinced that 15 extra yards will fix him that no amount of common sense or evidence that we don’t need it will sway him.
The argument for 40 yards simply boils down to “because I want it”.
Good thing we have Hover then? That’s what it’s for, and the only effect extended range would have would be for us to have to move less often, yes? Having to move LESS often does not equal greater dps… And for those times when we HAVE to move would be when and where we use Hover. In short, it’s purpose would stay the same, but we’d have to use it less frequently simply to stay alive and remain effective at dps in the currently required close quarters.