My wife just went into labor

lrn2Laptop newbie

You must name him Thrall

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This should be obvious, I can’t believe I’m having to actually type this up.

Place a Love Fool down in the delivery room along with a recorded tape of encouraging/heartfelt sayings.

This should be common knowledge by now, I’m really quite disappointed.


What a crazy achievement! Have child on classic release day! Probably going to be a requirement for some big achiev chain though…

Its like having the first baby of the new year but bad honestly.

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Now you’re never gonna sleep.

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I really hope you’re kidding. If you choose World of Warcraft over your kids you’re a piece of crap and I hope your wife divorces you so she can marry me so I can show her what a real man is.


You can always have another kid. There’s only one Classic launch.


In my neck of the woods, we call it the “Irish Goodbye”. Trust me, we need more empowered single moms.

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This same story was on the Tyra Banks show. The guy left the hospital while his girlfriend was in labor so that he could play WoW.

That’s not how women work, but good luck.


Classic Launch has sooooo many meanings!

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A real man playing female characters lmao ok buddy


Not sure if srs.

Classic only drops once, but so does your baby. You really need to get your priorities straight, mate.

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Are there any stairs leading into the hospital… ?


Well this is kind of the second in a way.

Get to the store right now! You need a laptop pronto! You can have the best of both worlds. (Don’t go too cheap on the Laptop). See ya in Azeroth!

I never heard that story did he save his relationship?

Just make sure that her raid-bucket is clean, and go easy on her for a bit. It shouldn’t slow down her leveling too much until the big push, at which point she may need to go AFK. Make a second toon to play for this part of the launch experience so you don’t outlevel her, and hop back over once the baby is out.


divorce her and sign away your rights… only reasonable thing to do today