My views on the Vault system

I wouldn’t really miss it if it was gone tbh

Chromie would like a word with you. :rofl:


Upgrades do not come solely from vault, because Blizz was wise and gave us two-track system:

  • Deterministic: crafted gear lets you target slots and raise to 636.
  • Lottery: vault gives us presents to open every Tuesday with excitement of occasionally getting lucky.

Sorry you’ve had such bad luck, btw. Unless you are exaggerating, eight weeks with no upgrades is exceptionally unlucky. Nevertheless you can do a lot with crafted.

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“I don’t like a thing! Get rid of it for everyone!”

Grow up.


Is that sort of a similar thought to:

“I haven’t won an upgrade from raiding for weeks, remove raiding!”


…could be… :thinking:

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The only way you get nothing is if you don’t do anything. If you mean you went 8 straight weeks with no choices from the dungeon row, and assuming they were all 10s, then you are a big fat liar.

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I love the vault. I got all sorts of good stuff from it that I wouldn’t have gotten through drops, because other people won them.

Even after reading people’s complaints, I don’t see how removing the vault fixes anything for them. They still end up with nothing. At least the vault has a chance of something if you do content.


It’s to keep you playing. To keep you paying that monthly subscription. To keep you engaged and invested, and hopefully considering spending a bit more on the microtransactions.

… honestly, Blizz actually fixing the game’s issues with frustrating and slow progression would make the game collapse within 2-3 months as people realize they were doing stuff for the sake of filling out a checklist to keep them occupied and distracted long after they stopped having fun. Which was probably about a year and a half ago.

Blizz will only fix the system when players are simply not doing it. And even then, they’re more inclined to fix the reward structure just enough so that you’ll resume doing it on a weekly basis.

Newsflash! For-profit game company creates game with scaling challenges and rewards in hopes that people will keep playing!
(If there was a scandal there I missed it.)


Every time we ask to speed up progression, we are also asking to finish faster and have longer lulls at end of seasons. And for what? So we can complain in forums about nothing to do?

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Well, one could argue that gambling itself is both legal and a business.

While there’s no money involved, the psychology and design of the vault probably has more to do with gambling than it does have to do more conventional forms of entertainment.

Hell, it even looks like a slot machine.

Oh, let’s think for a moment… do other things. Play other games, ones that aren’t MMOs or even online. Engage in other hobbies in general, like building models or writing. Maybe some gardening.

It’s actually kind of strange with how much WoW tries to monopolize your free-time.

That’s a gigantic stretch. Completing content to get a reward is not “gambling”. It’s a loot table, just like the dungeons you ran to unlock the slots in the first place.

The vault is a huge improvement over what came before it which were ~as a reminder~
1: nothing.
2: a single totally random piece of gear from one of the dungeons.

And if you aren’t getting gear then that’s fine, start getting crafted gear; theres a reason you see all kinds of folks running around with 636 crafted at the moment and that’s because it’s a big leg up on power (particualrly since they’ve halfed conversions so that anyone putting in some effort can probably get a gilded token in a week).

That’s a question for yourself.

Im confused.

OP says they got nothing.

But they are missing sockets in thier gear. If you dont have upgrades, why are you not taking tokens to add sockets to your gear?

Instead of getting upgrades, you say you get nothing while ignoring whats there, then make forums posts saying to remove it…

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It’s a RANDOMIZED reward, which may or may not be useful.

It’s a chance at a reward, not a guarantee; and that’s the critical component right there. If you’re not getting the thing you want every time, that means you’re more likely to repeat the activity; so you keep repeating that activity, week-in and week-out, for that chance.

It hits the exact same buttons in the brain as gambling, no matter how much you deny it. This has been known for DECADES, well before there were even video games. The “Skinner Box” is often used to describe how many video games form habits – the experiments for it were done in the 1930s, nearly a century ago.

While there’s no money involved, WoW’s entire reward structure – and reward schedule – is built around the same principles that work in gambling. It hits the same buttons in the brain, there’s no doubt in that. You could extend that to live-service games in general, they’re all running on the same general design and skirting the definition of gambling most of the time as it is; loot-boxes have fallen out of favour, but that’s because they got too close to the legal definition because players were repeatedly sinking money into randomized chances at items they may need.

WoW’s heavily RNG-dependent reward structure mimics gambling very closely, only substituting spending money for expending effort clearing content… or you can dance around the definition and buy a boost with in-game gold that you may or may not have acquired using the WoW token.

The vault is used to reinforce player behaviours with chances at useful loot on a weekly basis.
And it’s the same psychology that gambling uses. Repeated actions for chances at winning.

Because if you got it first time, every time… you’d probably only do it once.

I have to wonder how much bad luck of that is happening. Personally I don’t like the vault but I still use it because I’m not just ignore free loot. I rather earn it in raid/ whatever respective content I’m playing. I always liked the bonus roll that we used to get(I know that was for raid only but I imagine it wouldn’t be hard setting it up for M+ to.

Calling bullt on this. You would need a minimum of 7 myth-track items.

Other option would be spamming crafted gear but that would take thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of gold and a buttload of valor stones/crests that no sane person could farm in one week.

Vault has been pretty faulty since it came out. It seems to still reward you upon the last bit of content you did, and not the best content that you did, so you can still quit often find yourself getting a reward only equal to or even lesser than what gear you already have.

OP is saying that if you do multiple things and unlock multiple slots, then you should get one from every slot that you unlocked. Instead, you only get 1 single piece of loot even if you did 100% of everything on it and got everything unlocked. If you do every single raid listed on there, every single key every single PvP thing, from that you will get ONE piece of loot…and it may be a downgrade to what you already have if you did not do equal to or better than what you did before. You can unlock multiple choices, but can only get one single reward that is chosen for you at random.

The vault is stupid when it’s your only source of good gear.

M+ needs less infinite-garbage loot and more good loot.