My views on the Vault system

Did you mean ““Did” you mean “mean”?”?


Lol. Yeah technically a forum is async communication, but in my head I see them as “present” / living conversations :stuck_out_tongue:. So no I meant “Do” haha.

But its past tense since it wasn’t in the moment :wink:

But now we are getting into what is defined as present and past. Is it merely subjective based on personal time or time of content being post?
And is it past or present based on when I am reading it too vs when you posted it?

In that context everything could be defined as “present” tense if taken from the perspective of the user.

My isn’t the English language fun :joy:

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Yeah exactly, we’d get in the weeds philosophically about what defines past vs. present.

Honestly I think it would come down to factoring in the person’s perception of time. I saw the conversation as current or present.

Technically all communication occurred in the past, so the only other factor is our perception.

e.g. if someone was having a conversation with another person and then lapsed into a coma for 10 years, and woke up to the same person and continued the conversation in the present tense - I don’t think they are incorrect.


Stop thinking of the vault as a guranteed reward and treat it for what it is. A bonus reward.

They already do.

LOL no

The difference between hero track and mythic track isnt as big as you are pretending it is.

This would be ideal.

It is WAY too common that someone gets zero upgrades from their vault for over a month.

Something NEEDS to change

No, it isn’t. And I enjoy it. Also: petition posts are frowned upon, as per welcome message blue post.

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It won’t be removed.

It exists to offset bad RNG, people generally enjoy it.

I never even choose the items, only ever the tokens for crests to upgrade what I already have.

yeah, I get 9 choices a week if I go really hard.

Tbh i like vendor based things. Like if I did 8 keys and got like… 1k currency and have x amount of score I just buy what I want.

I’d rather have valor gear on a vendor. Or even bonus rolls. I stop doing content when I’m left to just doing it for the vault. The vault existing makes the game seem less fun. It’s just Skinner box crap. Working furiously all week to fill the vault at a chance at an upgrade? Get out.

Instead of a chance of getting nothing, you’d rather…Guarantee you get nothing?

I mean, alright.

I wouldn’t. I’d rather have a chance at pieces from different places.

The Vault is our bonus roll— in a better form, because we always have a choice of something. Whereas a bonus roll was just gold nearly every single time and was useless.

I disagree. It’s my bonus roll where I always get something.

I don’t see the correlation.

I don’t “work furiously.” I don’t always fill the Vault slots. Or even a row. I always have coins if I don’t get gear.

Heck, there was no Vault for me last week, due to holidays. I don’t care.

Vault needs to be completely reworked, yes.

I’ve written before about how I think they should do it for raids.

M+ should’ve never been given a mythic raid ilevel vault. that is a hill i’m most willing to die on.

Yeah the ilvl boost “just because” was dumb.

I mean this is absolutely false. I don’t know how you assume absolutely nothing could improve without gear.

Just do mythic raid!

Like ok my bad ill get on it.

So out of touch.

I don’t believe this for a second.

I would believe people seeing items that are actually upgrades but aren’t BiS and go “Ugh my vault is crap there’s nothing in here”

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Nah i wont sign it, even if you get nothing you can get 3k gold or crests and gem slots