My under geared DH partner beating me in DPS?

So long story short, I decided to start doing arenas cus why not and my friend made a DH just for fun to go with me. She is 450 I am 465 and is pretty much 1v2ing people sometimes, pulling off INSANE damage numbers etc etc. I have been playing Monk since MoP, I know the class well but I am just under preforming even in other content.

Now my question is: Is this a class balancing issue or is it because I dont have any corruptions and she does?

I am told WW is in a great spot time and time again (by all my friends who never touched the class) but I almost never see them in arena, RBG’s or even really heroic raids.

Windwalker Monk is in a really bad spot right now. Dunno who is telling you it’s in a good one. One of the lowest performing specs in the whole game.

Corruption is everything. Farm echos to buy it. Stack as much versatility and versatile corruption as you can and you won’t be a complete carry through every aspect of the game.

That’s just how Monks are at the end of an expansion, our scaling is awful. While other classes hit their breakpoints and start to really shine the WW monk starts to fall further and further behind. Been like this for a long while.

Corruptions will only go so far to help fill in the glaring holes that WW monks have, but it’ll help I suppose.

you will never beat them in raw damage on the end game screen you cleave the entire time. WW has heavy burst every 15-20 seconds and can get defensives without Touch of Death. going over your gear i can see part of the problem.

1 - stats are off vers and mastery on everything. haste and crit are kind of meh
2 - essences are a big chunk of damage you are missing also. Conflict major, vision of perfection, breath of the dying, and memory of lucid dreams minor. get those to rank 3 asap
3 - talents. we dont really use serenity for anything atm and i never take off ring of peace for any content. its too good in too many situations. try alpha tiger or tigereye brew against plate
4- corruptions id just stack as many vers amps as you have the corruption resist to wear and stay under 39

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Every recent arena tournament has had teams with a WW on them. They aren’t playing WW because it’s bad.


yeah monk isnt really in a good place for pve and is pretty hard in PvP. In pvp im pretty sure u need to stack gushing for any good sustained damage, i have a glad monk buddy(well more like acquaintance, we just duel and talk sometimes in durotar) who has multiple sets depending on the situation and runs gushing most of the time. ToD burst is pretty insane though, and karma is great too without dispel. FoF is going to be what u rely on and sun kick dmg is pretty random but ive seen some big crits.

yeah def, ww is just one of the higher skill classes and needs a lot of experience

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Just sort out your stats, essences and get some corruption. WW is fine in pvp and you’ll do fine competing dps wise with the DH. You just have to work a little harder. I play with a DH and rogue on the regular and i’m even dps wise. Monks can really make some great plays.


Maybe for pve.

Not sure why all of you are saying this. WW is an S tier spec for pvp, no doubts about it.
It could be argued that season 2 and 3 they were only A tier, but season 4 they are most definitely S tier.

We have always been in a weird spot and the reason why is because big team fights we aren’t that good for.
So in an rbg WW’s role takes over the one that rogue plays, which is to go solo assault other nodes and essentially 1v1 for that spot or require their team to have to peel off and weaken their team fight to stop you from taking the node.

WW is in a very strong place for pvp, middle of the pack for m+, and on the lower end for raiding.

The unfortunate part is WW has always had a high skill ceiling and you have to know when to stay in and when to pull out.


I top DPS meters all the time. If you know about mastery combo get the right gear/stats/etc you should be pulling over in damage. What helps boost me primarily is touch of death. Do touch of death on the raid boss then use storm earth fire, trinket and blood of the enemy then you just alternate skills and don’t use the same one back to back.

What kills most people is they spam the same skill back to back. You are not playing a rogue or any other class. if you use punch in one rotation, switch to another skill, then another skill, never use the same skill back to back. Only if you need to get two punches in to do fist of fury that’s fine. But then alternate all your skills. I don’t use spinning crane kick though for single target dps, only trash grouped mobs.

to the OP change your weapon. Don’t use polearm. Grab the conquest ones early on they are both 460 corrupted gladiator axes I think. Then when you raid try and grab the weapons from Ra-den or from Wrathion early on. for weapons do one with versatile navigation and then do the other with “Force Multiplier”. That way you got 2 enchants, you should see a massive dps boost.

For trinkets Lustrous Golden Plumage is your Bis. Then if you can get drestagath that will help also to use. I got torment in the jar trinket as a passive damage trinket.

For azerite essences in pve you want blood of the enemy main, and then lower level ones conflict and strife rank 3, vision of perfection rank 3 (gives versatility also) and then breath of the dying rank 3.

do all this and your damage will be boosted. For more complete information check out the main monk website to google:

Peak of Serenity

Thank you all for the feedback, I have taken some of the advice and even did a raid earlier today and pulled off some exceptional number. My biggest concern really was that my friend just got into their class and just has less gear then me but still tops damage.
I feel like Monk just has to jump though more hoops of barrowed power to compete which I think I will just not be doing.

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Change out your pole arm. That will change it immediately. Grab two one handed weapons and put versatile navigation in one and then force multiplier in the other. If one follows that website “peak of serenity” you should be matching or beating DHs.

Oh no, I am just in tank spec right now, I have my tank gear on.

what corruptions do you use for WW monk? do you have any and which ones?

If not, that’s the problem.

Use either RAnk 3 Twilight Devastation along with versatility % corruptions or

use Twisted appendages and gushing wound instead

If you don’t have a lot of corruptions, then that’s another reason why your dps might be lacking.

I dont have any corruptions and at this point I am probably not going to bother. I cant stand corruptions, azerite traits, essence etc etc so I am just going to hope that for next expac they do way less borrowed power stuff.

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yes, it’s shifting to different traits from trees called anima powers something. But yah you won’t have to worry too much anymore about corruptions, essences and azerite traits for Shadowlands. Best of luck.

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if you read hes talking about arenas so all that info is wrong. just stack the 12% vers amps. if you get some 470+ vers mastery stuff you can run 2-3 gushing on those pieces but i wouldnt stress by the time you get your cloak ranked up and get the corruptions you want the corruption will be removed since they are going away with prepatch

I don’t think they’re bad in pvp, a lot of high ranked players are obv ww, they just take a lot more skill and effort to make work than other classes, I prob should’ve worded that better

Yeah WW has a low floor, but a high ceiling. You kind of have to play it like a rogue and your mobility is your stealth.

That’s just not true. WWs are bad at raid damage, but they’re one of the top DPS classes in arenas right now and they’re decent in M+

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Absolutely TERRIBLE advice. Don’t ever use TD in arenas, it’s not good, especially for non tanks.

As a WW you’ll want vers amps with 2-3 GWs. You can sacrifice some vers amps for more GW in 2s if you think other comp won’t train you. Appendage are usually immediately killed these days unless you’re playing like 1200 rating.