My under geared DH partner beating me in DPS?

ya the dmg isnt even good outside of arena unless its aoe, its already terrible in ST and im pretty sure it does way less dmg in arena

obviously? ur tip is using CDs lol

again, obviously? anyone who reads the tool tips of their class knows this, not really valuable tips

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If you’re talking about PvE yes it’s not the best but WW is really good in M+.

Also this guy is talking about arena and WW is maybe the best melee in the game at the moment in arena.

OP DH has constant pressure and pulls insane numbers in arena because they almost always have damage; WW has more of a build up to their burst windows, plus they have a 25% ms which adds value that damage meters can’t show you.

Also; looking at damage meters, particularly in arena is a sign of someone inexperienced in arena. Overall damge doesn’t really mean anything because the majority of the time that damage is irrelevent; it’s all about setups and big damage inside of those setups. The reason WW is S tier and DH is not is because of how good they can play defensively with port karma dfiffuse and mobility. DH is disruptive and has constant pressure but doesn’t really bring much to the arena other than that, not to mention WW’s can easily 100-0 someone if the target has no trinket with paralysis into ToD imagine sweep setups. WWs have clear win conditions most games and have insane burst setups plus are superior at playing defensive which makes them a much better overall choice in the arena than DH.

I will say this, while I cant do good damage I am pretty unkillable. Since making this post I have done a lot more arenas and have come to understand that alittle better. I know damage is not everything but I have been used to playing with players for so long that think that way I guess it kind of rubbed off on me.

EDIT: Actually…I might just take this back…
Once at a higherish rating (where at this point corruptions is everything) I am having trouble again sometimes just not getting one shot. Another issues is that I run Good Karma but when looking at the logs, it just does not heal me sometimes and I have no idea why.
Sure, the longer I stay in the fight the better I do when my burst window hit, but I feel most of the time I dont even get to do that.

Bring a monk to a melee team with a Warrior, rogue or feral and the damage will be insane.

The passive 5% melee damage buff is crazy good.