My time on the CC has indeed ended

Then this needs to change asap. The lack of direct communication from the devs is creating an unnecessary scenario of bad customer relations. I don’t think any of us are demanding anything that’s non negotiable, but even a developer’s response as to WHY something cannot be, or something that HAS to be, would go so damned far. It would at least let us know what is going on and to what to expect from the game we are paying for. Without us, they would not be able to pick up a check. i don’t find it unreasonable that they are allowed to let us know what they are thinking. And it wouldn’t even be too much to ask if they even, every once in a while, said, “You know what? That’s a really good idea! We are going to check into how we can achieve that.”

Or even a “No, we can’t do that, because it would directly interfere with what is coming later down the line.”

We are all adults here. Is it too much to ask for some adult dialogue, and not be ignored like we don’t count at all?

@ Ravij going to miss sharding tread getting updated . Be nice if some other CC would take it over . There is more posts in Bug report all the time . There was a green post in one of them that was saying a Dev is working on it but that was not for retail . They got it off X so no way I could go look .

I forgot about this, it was just impeccable. Was it something about forcing golems or mechanics into a specific spot? Regardless though it was amazing. Killed and then fixed.

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Here’s the competitive wow subreddit thread on it.

It’s VERY interesting reading, for anyone who doesn’t raid Mythic but would like to understand why so many Mythic raiders hate the current dev team.


Yea, things happened a few weeks after I mentioned something in CC when I was in it too. Things like res sickness being reduced from a minute, the mechagnomes racial being bugged, multiple bugged pets in shadowlands being fixed, etc.

The fact they don’t really tell people the CC feedback is what caused the changes just makes the CC feel useless.

I have no doubts they get the same feedback from other sources, but when it happens so soon after a CC post, it seems obvious the CC post is what pushed it over the edge to change.

I didn’t reapply and never will because the harassment on the forums for having gold text as a frequent poster.

If that is true, that is some serious scumbag behavior.

