My thoughts on Slyvanas Redemption idea

The only way for it to work is if The Jailer is made out to be an even bigger monster villain then Sylvanas ever was and Slyvanas will score the killing blow against The Jailer but at a cost to her own life.

Other wise, no redemption please. Let her live and die with the consequences of her past sins. Especially not while we still have a vengeful Tyrande among us.

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Another way is that she didn’t burned the tree. I believe that’s what is going to happen and that’s one of the reasons i find BfA storytelling stellar.

“Three lies. Da first one been told.
Bound by dat throne? No. Free. Free!
Da next gonna come soon. Maybe dey see dis one.”

The second lie was also offered to the player base and it was detectable.
We’ll see.

I just had a thought.

In the Shadowlands, what if we end up seeing the Spirit of Genn Graymane’s murdered son from all the back in the Worgan Starting Zone?

And he’s leading or at least participating in the fight against Slyvanas?

What if Lirath tries to redeem Sylvanas? :thinking:



She doesn’t have to fall into the binary of redeemed vs 100% monster. The story is perfectly capable of having people’s reaction be “Huh, she ended up doing something kind of good, but that doesn’t mean I totally forgive her actions.”

When talking about the end of Sylvanas’ arc, why do people suddenly forget that there is an entire spectrum of grey that she could fall into? Why can she only be either a saint or a monster? People only seem to make this crazy dichotomy when she is involved. The word ‘redeemed’ is forcing this unnecessary dichotomy.


I just want her to be getting played here. Truly. I want her afterlife to have been a lie. For her not to be as in the loop as she thinks with her new “him”. For her Val’kyr’s deal that seemed too good to be true, to actually turn out to be too good to be true. And for her “seeing the world as it really is” to merely be her “seeing the world the way someone else wanted her to”.

She’s the victim of a narrative, that brought that classic trope “The steps you take to avoid your fate, are often the very ones that lead you to it”. Give her some real thematic karma, where she’s the unwitting tool that gets discarded once her usefulness ceases to be sufficient. Just like she’s turned so many others into for her own ambitions. Give her a taste of her own medicine, and get her back on that fast track for revenge (a color she’s always worn well). Then she may not go out a hero, but she may not go out a villain … before she gets her “escape from her torment” she’s been seeking.


Sylvie’s younger brother who died in the Scourge invasion…at least I think that’s when he died.

Edit: NM…he was killed by orcs during the Second War.

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Lirath Windrunner was the youngest brother of the Windrunner siblings. He dreamed of becoming a ranger like his three sisters. Lirath was killed when a group of orcs cut their way into Quel’Thalas and attacked the Windrunner clan. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins also perished. Lirath’s oldest sister, Alleria Windrunner, swore revenge and began hunting down all remaining orcs after the end of the Second War.[2]

Sylvanas has done too much to ever have an acceptable redemption. I couldn’t see her turning over a new leaf and opening orphanages, planting trees and spending the next 10000 years making up for her crimes.

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Seems too cheesy to me. Sylvanas already has a mile-long list of real characters that hate her, and turning someone who was essentially a rando created to die as her counterpart of the week seems like a cop-out.


The only “redemption” for Sylvanas that I can see working even in the slightest way would be for her to go the Kerrigan route and somehow “revert” to her pre-undeath, righteous Thalassian Ranger-General self. It would still be bad for a whole host of reasons, but the redemption part wouldn’t be unbelievable.

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She doesn’t need a redemption.

She is fine. The game needs characters like her.

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Personally I think we should just stop talking about it.

You know, I know - We all know. That whether or not we want or do not want Sylvanas to be redeemed — Blizzard doesn’t care. They’re gonna do what they want.

“Your boos mean nothing to me!” - Blizzard.


People overuse the redemption word.

Vindication is the word you are looking for with Sylvanas.

Redemption implies the buy back of a person; whether it be from good or evil. She’s not Darth Vader.

Vindication means her methods weren’t as important as the accomplished goal; the ends justify the means.

She will LIKELY be vindicated, not redeemed. In her mind the ends justify the means. She hasn’t been a hero for over 16 years.


On the flip side, she hasn’t been a outright Villan either. She’s been a mostly greyish character since her introduction.

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She’s a traitor, mr. Has been since WC3

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Not really, from a certain point of view MAYBE

She doesn’t follow orders about the blight and cares nothing for the welfare of others. Teldrassil was a means to an end, as was Lordaeron.

She’s only in it for herself. She’s how Illidan was before getting retroactively corrected to facilitate an expansions plot. Before he was an “anti-hero”

She doesn’t really need to make up for anything. The only thing she really did was genocide the night elves, torture their souls and then destroy their souls. Not a big deal, not enough to make her “evil” according to the writers.