My thoughts on Slyvanas Redemption idea

Like I said, from a certain point of view, before BfA completely butchered her character

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it will be really weird if she is not a raidboss, and then if she is who could take her out?

i say we need someone with us like when kadghar helped us with gul dan, maiev with illidan or tirion and arthas.

but who could it be? i would really like it if it depends on your faction.

currently the horde doesnt have any powerhouses there but you could argue that vol jin may come to help, thrall can help too if he shrugs off his emo stage and gets god mode again.

On the alliance side we got jaina and tyrande obviously so i can see it working.

on the flipside, isnt all this much trouble for just killing sylvanas? i dont want her to receive any more attention so why not have her die sliping on a banana peel and breaking her neck? then we can go do what i said against the jailer.

She’s being hunted by both factions for engineering the death of thousands.

Loot pinata for her.

We don’t know that for sure though. That’s the assumption by some though

Are you trying to pass the blame to the Jailor? Like some kind of mind control?

If so, that’s some lame writing

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like kerrigan was by the protoss and terran but we know how that ended.

They can do whatever they want with this story however it doesnt mean we have to like it and there are some things that break disbelief.

We know the Jailor is the final boss of the expac, you do the math

It kind of undercuts her whole matriarch attitude, what with her own mind control use of newly risen scourge in Cataclysm.

And the blight use just to be hateful and to feed the Maw.

Makes her seem like a tool instead of a person all about freedom and vindication.

If Blizzard’s past operation style wasn’t clear, usually . 3 of any expansion is the final boss, typically hidden until the final reveal.

Depends if they have hint/show it already.

The Jailer is the final boss of SL. This is a known fact. Don’t know what to tell you

Final boss will probably be used as a hint for the consecutive expac after Shadowlands. Usually how Blizz does business.

And? What does that have to do with sylvanas and this expac?

Her “plan” involves the upset and probable destruction of all afterlife factions or at least a new option under herself.

The hint will come after the last nail in the coffin so-to-speak of the Jailor.

Something probably cosmic that threatens the curse of flesh (heroes) and Azeroth. Another invasion by Stargate.

She wants to tear down what she sees as a unfair system and I don’t exactly blame her for that. She’s either getting a redemption story or she’s going to die but be proven right in the end.

That’s my theory on the matter, I don’t hate her as much as many do, so there is that

Redemption? Not her style.

Vindication is the word you’re looking for

Ya, no matter what redemption arc she cooks up, I don’t see Tyrande buying into it. We’re gonna lose one of them by the end of this expansion. (Although, if Maiev and Illidan worked together in Legion, anything is possible I suppose.)

Or she can be redeemed, it doesn’t matter if its her style or not. It depends entirely on what blizzard decides to do with her

Right. Wasn’t disagreeing with you.

Was just voicing my opinion. Sorry if it came off as rude.

I personally want her to be a raid boss. Along with Arthas and Kel’Thuzad.

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Just cause Sylvanas isn’t the final boss doesn’t she isn’t a boss in a raid