My thoughts on how to make WoW great again

If you want new blood in this game you need to keep the leveling to a minimum and there’s honestly no perks of leveling compared to vanilla wow where every few levels you got a dopamine hit from getting a new rank or new ability.

Do you want all the new players to just give up around 60-80 and be burnt out of the game because the leveling process is too long and boring? I for one want to bring new people into the game and have the game be a great experience for them. It shouldn’t feel boring to level and you should be rewarded for the time you put into the game.

OP is mostly correct on almost everything

Even having to do a few quests to unlock a raid can be finished off in an afternoon

They really need to rethink their philosophy on player power relating to ilvl because that’s done nothing but cause huge problems xpac after xpac


Someone should make hats with that on them.

Classic, here I come!

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no they don’t and they never will.

I think they very rarely do. Back when the playerbase was at it’s peak, blues used to read and post regularly. With Activision forcing Blizzard to cut back on non-direct labor such as CMs, you’re likely just screaming into the wind.

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I think they need to dramatic need to cut down on Ilvl inflation

I think getting your character like 10-15% more powerful over the course of a patch and not 100% more powerful is pretty much the same thing

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This was always a tough one for me personally. Back in vanilla, when you got a nice blue while leveling, it made a noticeable difference in your performance, same at end game but it wasn’t so much that you stood out amongst the rest. Maybe this was because numbers were smaller… :thinking:

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i think it’s because there was real power creep with gear in vanilla and each piece was a noticeable upgrade due to how scarce gear was. Something which is completely missing from retail nowadays.

I do agree that the numbers are getting far too big in blizzard games like in legion and in d3. It’s incomprehensible when numbers get too big you have no idea just by equipping some gear if it’s an upgrade or if there’s any difference.

Hey at least I’m trying to spread some idea’s but it honestly feels at times that the only people that come to the forums are the people with no lives and just want to be a contrarian for digital back pats and likes. Bringing the hard truth to the forums feels like that meme where its like Jesus tried to tell them the truth but people didn’t want to listen.

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i agree, you are very smart

I sure hope they don’t listen to any of the OP’s.

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This is literally what I’ve been talking about. What exactly is wrong with my thoughts on how to make this game great again. You don’t want pvp vendors back in the game and actually like the loot lottery? You think we deserve gear that the people that do the hardest content do? I don’t think I do at all and nor do I do the hardest content in the game.

But I also think they should remove mythic from the game and quit trying to make WoW an e-sport and make raids fun to do with a group of people and not just hard for the sake of being hard. WoW became super popular because it was the easy MMO on the market and now they’re trying to be both the easiest and hardest MMO possible and its maddening.

wow is way past its prime and will never be great again.the closest thing to wow being great again is classic wow.

No,no, you’ve got it all wrong!
You can’t regret without first gretting, and nobody has time for that.
Just like you can’t be disgruntled without going through the painful gruntling process first.

WoW never stopped being great imo.

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The problem with the leveling process is it’s only fun once or twice. Unless enough resources are spent to givee each class and race a much greater difference in the process. And then you likely wouldn’t have any resources left for the endgame.
I dont have a problem with a great leveling process, but you only had to do it all once. That way new players would still enjoy it but veterans could just concentrate on the endgame.

I think that leveling would be a lot more fun if we had a talent tree similar to wrath/cata that way every level is rewarding and you feel the power progression and make the game a RPG again. The way the game is now the dopamine hits are far and few between to be a good carrot on a stick to hit max level.

With that said I think the journey to max level should be rewarding in itself even if you don’t plan to do end game content. The trip from 1 to max should feel rewarding and encourage you to want to do other content or try another class.

I was going to type up a long thing about how the op contradicts itself a bunch and is just dumb, but this really does sum it up.

I’ve leveled something like 50 characters at this point (realistically more, I’ve lost count but I’m character capped on two accounts) and I still have fun every time.

Don’t you think you’d have more fun if there was a talent tree of wrath/cata? Where each level or so you got a reward and a little bit power creep. Instead of tic tac toe your talent choices are done.

Please by all means take the time to sum up how I’m contradicting myself. We can have a constructive dialog about how we think the game can be improved.

This is one of the biggest problems I think, I really wish blizzard would listen to their community… Obviously people still love and play the game, but there is so much that could be done to make the game more enjoyable in the long run, and the people that know the best will be the people that actually play the game. I don’t feel like blizzard devs do at all lol

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