Great, Ion wearing a red hat that has “Lets Make WoW GRRRRREAT!!!” printed on it.
Tony the Tiger would approve.
Hey it worked once…I think?
Great, Ion wearing a red hat that has “Lets Make WoW GRRRRREAT!!!” printed on it.
Tony the Tiger would approve.
Hey it worked once…I think?
Oh I don’t know. The voice actor most associated with him flew planes for america in ww2 so I’m skeptical he would be on board with an american fascist movement.
Now kellogg’s though, as the corporate entity that puts words in the character’s mouth… well, it’s hard to say with a corporation. I wouldn’t trust them not to endorse it.
GOOOOOOD GRIEF!!..Charlie Brown.
What “bloat”? You mean remove old content and old expansions? How will that make the game “great”?
The true bloat in the game is in leveling. They should streamline it be getting rid of a whole lot of pointless fetch quests.
Neither of these are an alternative to anything. They are the one and only way to progression in those expansions.
Okay, you want way fewer players raiding. This is fodder of a typical elitist flamebait post.
Casuals get no gear to play with but should be willing to continue to subscribe to financially support development of your content.
And the “we” in this is elite players? So you want to take away gear and progression from casuals to give elite players goals to work for?
Block casuals from even more content by requiring even more unlocks than are currently in BfA. Seriously, how much more content can have attunement? Questing requires attunement, world questing requires attunement. They just don’t call it that.
You mean dungeons and raids should require unlocks to keep more of the riffraff out?
All your suggestions I have commented on would result in even more players leaving. How would that make the game “great” again?
I’m okay with leveling 120 levels. You reduce the levels down to 60, it’s going to be insane to balance old content. Raids and Dungeons will be hit the hardest, making impossible or too difficult to solo.
The easiest way to combat level bloat is to stop adding more levels and convert new levels into a paragon leveling system that allows you to earn points to add additional ranks to your baseline abilities and selected talents.
Ilvl and stat bloat is just a number crunch that happens nearly every expansion for years. It’s also fine as is.
That title triggered my gag reflex.
Main thing I agree with is removing mythic raiding. So much development is wasted on this content and so few people actually play it. It also stifles development in other areas.
I’d be okay with having to earn the base level Essence on alts, but automatically upgrading them if you’ve already done so on another character. No need to be 100% account wide.
As someone who has ONLY spent significant time on RP servers in the last decade, you’re mistaken if you think the average roleplayer takes the main story as canon for their personal characters. The story implies you are some grand champion with basically no equal. You’re the one holding the heart of azeroth and saving the planet from destruction. It’s YOUR Class Hall, YOUR Garrison. That doesn’t work for RP, so we ignore it.
Not to mention, even if we didn’t, the character comes first. If someone had some use for an Essence power in mind for their character, they wouldn’t desire to have to re-earn it any more than regular players would. They’d want it unlocked early too.
TL;DR: Roleplay has nothing to do with essences.
If the game is designed to be unrewarding to the majority of subscribers, they’re going to quit. You wouldn’t play if they took away your rewards for playing. Why should other players stay after you’ve removed all reason for them to keep playing?
Why is it that in your worldview the only possible reward for playing the game is raid gear, and that all casuals ever do in the game is “fly loops through dalaran”? How is it you feel the need to twist what this person has written to “demanding current content raid gear”?
I agree with everything you said OP.
I haven’t read the responses, but I suspect you are getting a lot of hate from people who like to be spoon fed content and gear.
Just tune out the salty haters that want the game to cater to an ever increasing casual audience.
all things end wow will never return to 12m subs its time to move on.
Lets pretend this isn’t about gear.
What rewards do you feel are being referred to?
I disagree with your disagreement!
I love ESO but I hate its daily reward system where you get a variety of things simply for logging in.
And yes, I am salty that I forgot to login this month because of 8.2 and now I can’t get the costume.
Still though.
OP classic is coming. That seems to be what you want to play.
Removing lfr won’t magically increase raid participation
this and replace it with upgrades
You use the word phasing like you understand what you are talking about you don’t and sharding they would have to reduce server capacity. They increased server capacity because of sharding.
Yes because the current attunements are so popular
I can get behind that
not a bad idea
nothing you seggested would change anything dealing with e-sports
I can kinda get behind that
I like some of the things you posted but I dislike some too.
LFR is fine and it serves its purpose of letting people experience the raid quickly on an easy level if they don’t want to try raiding for real. I liked it when we had tier gear but lfr didn’t give gear that looked like the tier, it kept the reward for raiding more epic feeling.
I’m not sure about the smooshing together the servers thing either, would it cause lag or other issues … I wish pvp servers still existed over warmode really. But I do wish that they maybe look at guilds or something to make it more neat feeling to be a part of. The way it is now, there are many many small guilds and then there are big giant guilds that have auto spam invites. Maybe like guild housing or something could make how we are on our servers and guild more important again. Let people make an impact, have big and small guilds each have their own perks… more people more resources, less people higher rewards at the end for meeting a goal or something.
Getting rid of the gear lotto would be nice I agree on that. I do also agree there needs to be some sort of work done to make the leveling experience better. The old expansions should always remain as content we can do if we want to easily because we done it over and over but it could also be nice to feel like our characters are fun to play earlier on as we level up. A level squish would be fine if they can do it right.
Like 60 levels max, expansions all open to level in, at 60 the old expansions become trivial and we can do harder end content in the new expansion.
Something faster and the levels we earn more rewarding. Truly many of the classes I’ve played leveling feel terrible to play or don’t really work right until level 60-80. Then we almost stop getting more abilities up to 120 haha
How about instead of forcing abunch of people together you put a person in a solo que with NPC’s downing bosses and at the end of it they’re awarded a single piece of loot or ap. That way they can see the boss fights and have a chance to get something. Perhaps even encouraging them to do harder content.
That’s sort of cool, it would probably be a whole lot less stress inducing as well lol. I’d keep it a chance of loot after each boss though, or a big chest at the end with some stuff in it. Something fun
I am prepared to go all the way.
No. 60 is a crap number and I’d much rather be shooting for 100+.
Besides, regardless of the number, the motivation to keep going drops off very sharply as soon as you’re no longer gaining XP.