My thoughts on how to make WoW great again

What I think needs to be done is reduce the max level to 60 and allow alternative progression paths post 60 but keep 60 as the max level to remove bloat from the game. Much like the legion artifacts and in BFA the necklace are examples of alternative progression paths.

Remove LFR and Mythic from the game while converting LFR to normal and heroic to mythic in terms of difficulty. Make gear rare and hard to get and if you’re going to give out welfare gear it should be green or blue and only raid/pvp gear being epic.

Remove the mythic mindset from the game and quit trying to make WoW an e-sport and make raids fun to do with a group of people and not just hard for the sake of being hard. WoW became super popular because it was the easy MMO on the market and now they’re trying to be both the easiest and hardest MMO possible and its maddening.

Remove warforging and titanforging to bring back BiS lists so we have goals to aim for.

Condense the amount of servers and remove phasing and sharding from the game and bring server identity back. Fix world lag when doing pvp may have something to do with sharding/phasing

Bring attunement back into the game but it should be account bound so you have account progression. Any character progression in post max level should be account bound and quit trying to milk time from the dwindling playerbase and respect players time.

In BFA essences/AP should be account bound because you’ve already done the content to get them. There’s no reason outside of RP reasons to not have them be account bound and we could make special rules for RP servers to have these be strictly character progression on RP servers.

Make professions worth having and able to craft gear that’s worth buying.

Add pvp vendors back to the game and bring back all “pvp only” talents. PvP in ffxiv sucks and have pvp only talents. WoW shouldn’t follow after a flawed design like pvp only talents. There’s no reason a DK can’t use dark simulacrum outside of pvp/warmode content.

Quit trying to make WoW into an e-sport and return back to the games roots where if you no life the game you’re stronger than the guy that plays two hours a week. Everyone want’s to feel rewarded for the time they put into the game.

Stop resetting power every new patch making the past content irrelevant. All content of an expansion should be relevant the entire expansion. Also give reasons for players to run previous raids in an expansion so those returning to the game have a clear path to get geared and see the story of the expansion.

If the developers are determined to keep LFR how about instead of forcing abunch of people together you put a person in a solo que with NPC’s downing bosses and at the end of it they’re awarded a single piece of loot or ap. That way they can see the boss fights and have a chance to get something. Perhaps even encouraging them to do harder content.


So basically you just want Wildstar without the housing.

How’d that work out again?


Make Azeroth Great Again! What? Someone else already has that acronym? Dang it, thought I had a great idea for hats we could sell.

Regret begets gret.

No shame to the game means things stay the same.

There is no way except the way.

That way is some other way than the way things are right now.

There’s no way to get them to listen.

They’re also in way over their heads.

I’m sorry but that’s just the way it is.

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Does Activision/Blizzard even listen or read people suggestions anyhow?
I mean really have any of you talked to a GM and they were like “Love your idea #3000 we will put it on might be considered pile.”
I have read some really good ideas in the time I played the game. But i know some people idea’s went out the window.


I’m tempted to weigh in on that, but somehow it feels redundant.

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For me if you remove the RNG we have today for gear, bring PVP vendor back and PVP specific stats it would be already a huge thing.



added pvp vendors to the list

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I would not play your version of WoW, it sounds terrible.


Thats going to be a huge jump in difficulty going from normal to mythic.

Right now…you have goals to aim for.

And then a ton of people lose their names.

I don’t want to play an account based game. I want to play a character progression game. The more wow changes into an account based game, the most likely I will leave.

I don’t feel just because you are logged into the game, you should be rewarded.

I disagree.

I think the game experience should be rewarding from the onset.


Imagine looking forward to purchasing the piece of gear from a pvp vendor you want and feeling accomplished and then set another goal for another piece of gear. Where your time as a player is respected and you truly can have a sense of earning something.

Unlike now where if you just pvp you have no chance of aiming for the gear you want and its all RNG. Same for azerite pieces you have no hope of doing a m+ and getting one. The only difference is you can save up ludicrous amounts of a currency to buy a specific one but its tailored in such a way that you have to wait weeks to purchase the ONE thing you want.

I believe the current game design is bad for the health of the game and has slowly been killing the enjoyment for many players. I post on the forums because I want the game to be fun I want others to enjoy the game. I don’t want to come here to rant. I wish I could talk with the dev’s of the game and see what their motives are for making the game the way it is now and try to change their minds.

Thats already happened already log in get normal raid ilvl gear from world quests your let to the memo sir.

You want them to respect your time by wasting more of it in an intrinsically unbalanced system?

Imagine if rookies in a sport like baseball weren’t allowed to use gloves and had half-sized bats until they had played 100 games. All the other players had full equipment, but new players had to “grind” a number of matches, win or lose, in order to be able to bring basic game tools to the table.

Now imagine people taking a game like that seriously.

Now imagine thinking that without a system like that, no one would play the game.

So how far do we take this? Do I get raid gear for flying loops through dalaran?

Is opening boss-shaped lootboxes the only reason you can conceive of to play a game?

Nope, and I never implied that. I have no clue why you would possibly think that, unless you are trying to put words in my mouth to be argumentative.

Then what’s the issue with gear being easily obtainable?

I never once stated I had an issue with gear being easily obtainable.

I have an issue with the best gear in the game being easily obtainable through low effort/no fail tasks…in a game based on gear/character progression.