And it will crack open near the end of the expansion leading into Midnight.
The void will fully consume it, adding a dark Naaru to Xal’atath’s arsenal.
And it will crack open near the end of the expansion leading into Midnight.
The void will fully consume it, adding a dark Naaru to Xal’atath’s arsenal.
Or we just make a nice omelette instead
Well, it goes all dark and spooky and is hanging in a dark crevasse of Azeroth. Might be a Boil or a Cyst. Best to just lance it before it gets septic.
Would be cool if it was just a big ol’ rock.
Didn’t help Kiljaeden in the Sunwell. Been there, done that.
I thought it was the point of Sargeras’s sword until the reveal about when it turned dark.
Personally, I would be disappointed if it were related to the Naaru. Just exhausted from hearing about the Light for an entire zone, and still burnt out from the Velen storyline in WoD, as well as the Lightforged and Naaru storylines in Legion. I hope it’s a prototype of something nefarious created by the Titans to oppress the planet.
Its just another random Draenei Space-ship that crashed in that spot.
Every time it changes color, it’s the Draenei driver trying to start it up…
By the end of the expansion, said Draenei will finally manage to get the ship going and leave to crash it on another random place.
The Radiant song is actually, it’s the crew of this ship trying, through some sort of telekinetic radio, to reach out for a local mechanic to help them with repairs, but instead, they always get these weirdos who think they’re some kind of gods or something like that
It’d be funny if they don’t even finish the story about that crystal and just continue on with the new expansions.
They resolve the sword story and then start saying “what crystal?” For a few years.
It’s Sargeras’ sword tip.
I’m pretty sure it’s the heart of azeroth. Like the actual one not the crappy necklace. They mentions the first day of darkness (or whatever its called) lines up with when Sargeras’ sword struck Azeroth.
They mentioned Azeroth suffers from arrhythmia. Maybe these are palpitations.
That’d be lame given that we’ve already killed a dark Naaru (M’uru) and a prime naaru (Xe’ra).
I think it’s another ancient titan relic, probably akin to Azeroth’s nightlight since it’s a slumbering world soul.
Maybe it keeps Azeroth passive while she dreams, and Sargeras stabbing the planet was enough to generate nightmares, so it turns purple every now and then.
Maybe it’ll have to be destroyed because it’s yet another titan device, probably bad for Azeroth long-term.
I am now refering to it as a night light for the wee baby titan. Thank you. Have an updoot.
It being a Naaru is my theory, but not a Naaru ‘egg’.
We know Naaru shift between Light and Void forms depending on how they’re feeling. It could be part of a very large Naaru, or part of a crashed Naaru vessel, with the Naaru being inside, which is what causes it to transition between light and void forms.
I have one more theory but that is crazy tinfoil speculation and is probably 100% wrong, so I’m not going to mention it here.
The Arathi have zeppelins. Why hasn’t anyone just flown up there and checked it out? There are groups of Goblins very close who would be thrilled to lend them power tools to probe inside.
It’s definitely a Naaru. One probably placed there by the Titans.
Probably one of the reason the Old Golds couldn’t spread their corruption. That core shielded Azeroth.
Didn’t know his sword bent like that
I mean I don’t know why the old gods couldn’t corrupt a naaru. Kael and some legion boys corrupted a naaru and they were far less powerful than N’zoth.
They also wrote the story so that it started changing dark when sargeras sword hit, but it was already there before that.
It’s most likely one of the seeds of life that shot out around the galaxy in the titan lore, but it’s not really clear if it’s just a vessel around the azeroth world soul itself or a second thing. Clearly it was partially corrupted by sargeras.
It could also be something to do with Elune, who has never really been anywhere in a physical sense, but is supposedly aligned with life and has light/dark aspects, but that’s probably still “the moon” or whatever.
I think it’s a Naaru observatory. They sit there and monitor the planet. The people. The world soul. The facility and the naaru within were damaged by Sargeras’ attack on Silthus (day of darkness) and begain to phase-shift into their void form as is customary for wounded naaru.
I’m willing to bet they had a similar setup at the core of Argus back in the day, and didn’t just coincidentally wander by because Velen prayed real hard.