It’s on an angle down from Silithus.
I hate that everything light related is immediately naaru.
Why does the void get a wide variety of servants and creatures, but the light is just wind chimes?
Maybe it’s something brand new we’ve never seen before!
Because you go temporarily blind and end up on the beach.
Also one of the people leading the charge against Xal is notable for having effectively eaten a Dark Naaru before.
Its just another random Draenei Space-ship that crashed in that spot.
Every time it changes color, it’s the Draenei driver trying to start it up…
By the end of the expansion, said Draenei will finally manage to get the ship going and leave to crash it on another random place.
The Radiant song is actually, it’s the crew of this ship trying, through some sort of telekinetic radio, to reach out for a local mechanic to help them with repairs, but instead, they always get these weirdos who think they’re some kind of gods or something like that
Draenei hands down the worst drivers in the Warcraft universe, who keeps giving them licenses?
Draenei hands down the worst drivers in the Warcraft universe
to be fair, it was the blood elves that crashed the exodar.
I hate that everything light related is immediately naaru.
Why does the void get a wide variety of servants and creatures, but the light is just wind chimes?Maybe it’s something brand new we’ve never seen before!
That would be neat, I hope you’re right.
I hope it’s Sarah Kerrigan and then Nova the Ghost shows up and Sylvanis and then they start to get na
It’s on an angle down from Silithus.
Two main problems there are that Khaz Algar is said to be just west of Pandaria (even if we’re being incredibly generous about the scale of the world it would still put the region miles away from Kalimdor), and that the actual story of Hallowfall puts them in the cavern with Beledar years before the end of Legion (the day Sargeras stabbed the world was the first day it shifted, not the first day it was there).
What if it isn’t anything we know or understand yet. Something new perhaps? Would that tickle your fancy a wee bit?
Or perhaps it is… nah I won’t spoil it.
It’s on an angle down from Silithus.
This zone is a fair way away like opposite side
The void will fully consume it, adding a dark Naaru to Xal’atath’s arsenal.
With how easily we killed a dark naaru before. That ain’t really a flex
Pffft hahaha! Wow! Its clearly the end of a giant ring pop that sargeras tried to hide from the rest of the greedy, candy stealing pantheon.
Psssht it’s timey wimey stuff
A triple Naaru? Like a Naaru Magneton?