My Tank Is Cheating On Me With Another Healer!

Let him die a few times.

When he asks wassup just say “Oh I’m just super tired cus I’ve been up all night.”

He’ll know.


Breaking News: Unusual Mythic Plus Roleplay Weather Patterns Emerge

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DPS are all ungrateful little gremlins, and I don’t want to be beholden to a single tank.

Single life slayyy king/queen

Just identify as a Tank and continue without him…

Who needs him anyway… amirite?

Maybe your Tank has a Twink on the side.
He could be two timing.
Twinks take up a lot of time.

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He’s probably feeling insecure about recent nerfs. :confused:


Got a wife and kids in Stormwind, Jack
I went out for a ride and I never went back
Like a river that don’t know where it’s flowin’
I took a wrong turn and I just kept goin’…


lmao, best post ive read on these forums in weeks!

question: is he a prot pally? ive heard they dont need you to run M+!

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Look, just let me go back in there and face the peril!

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id cheat on u too i want a healer that cares about keys and leveling up not a level 70 helaer


Due a recent surge of demand I just started a new business venture.

I now offer tank/healer couples therapy

we can work together on our communication and get everyone on the same page. communication helps all parties to outline the goals, expectations, and boundaries of a tank/healer relationship.

I can offer these services for a gold fee. what that fee is? we don’t need to discuss that right now. but is is per session. and I can tell, we will need many sessions to adequately get through this issue together.

let’s take the time to invest in ourselves. our relationships. be a better us .

remember. we owe our dps the best version of us. for their sake.

slides business card across the table

And yes. we offer services to…ensure…all members of the party show up. regardless of desire


“ensure” they show up?

I got a dead beat dad debuff cause I went out for a pack of smokes.
I told them Id be back…eventually.
Have you heard the way they whine?


Don’t listen to this con. What you need is a good party lawyer and I’m fully accredited in Stormwind and Iron Forge. i can guarantee you get everything you deserve so call me today.

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divorce is only the option after all else fails.

I would be more than happy to…offer a recommendation to the clients after it becomes clear to me (which needs no fewer than 5 sessions) that a more permanent split may be the best decision for all parties.

if you know what I mean.



I’d like to sign my wife up for these sessions, if it will save me from the deadbeat dad debuff…
I will pay in advance.
Any price.
I will not be present.
I need another pack o smokes.
Hops on bike.
Good luck.

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I would like to offer my roguely services. You may have heard of poor King Llane? He made a similar mistake to his healer.

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tanks are such hussies!!! just “how you doin?” with all the healers like that…

disgraceful! don’t they have any shame???

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The Alt Gods can always use a dedicated healer. Id like to get a set M+ team together lol. bring your dpses too. :wink:

Gkick your tank right now. Recruit a better one. You and your dps deserve better.