My Stormwind Tabard isn’t working, it’s giving me Alliance reputation in Dungeons instead of Stormwind Rep as it’s suppose to, matter of fact it’s giving reputation to litterally every other Alliance Faction except Stormwind…how do I fix this. I wanna get my heritage Armor and farm reputation while leveling.
What dungeons are u running think the tabard only works in classic zones BC and northrend quests and dungeons.
Was running TBC dungeons because thats what the videos on youtube were of people doing to get the reputation
That is my current experience running Mana Tombs on my Human Monk (with her SW tabard equipped).
She is only getting the following rep increases:
However, I can confirm that the Wrath dungeons will give SW rep.
That’s the way TBC dungeons work. You mainly get TBC rep and Alliance/Horde rep. Only a few dungeons give tabard reputation.
If you are doing it on a high-level character, Utgarde Pinnacle gives good tabard rep. Plus the dungeon ends right next to where it starts, which makes it good for resetting a rerunning it.
Most of the tbc dungeions do not give city rep. They are aligned with their own individual factions.
Tabarding is a thing, and most times it works pretty well for city reps in BC dungeons. (I have raised a lot of alts to exalted with their hometowns this way because of heritage quest requirements.)
I vaguely remember some inconsistency about which dungeons worked and which didn’t, but Botanica became my favorite because it’s quick, linear, AoE friendly, and has an exit right behind the last boss. And it always worked for every Horde and Alliance city I tried.
I could definitely be mistaken here, but I believe BC dungeons naturally give “Alliance” rep (which is all cities up to either Friendly or Honored) until those reps get to the max for dungeon runs. The Stormwind Tabard should be irrelevant while BC dungeons are awarding the Alliance rep. Once all cities are at the Friendly or Honored level where the Alliance gains stop, then the Stormwind Tabard should be kicking in to take you to Exalted.
But also, the tabard is from the Wrath expansion, so it may not be working properly for the previous expansion. It wouldn’t hurt to add your experience to the Bug Report Forum, so they can take a look.
Try unequipping and reequipping the tabard. The tabard gives a hidden aura which may have been deactivated under certain situations, like the character dying.
If the issue persists even after doing that, submit a bug report.
I tested it both Botanica and Mana-Tombs and received stormwind reputation each time:
I have posted about basic faction rep tabards being inconsistent here before. In my case, being a Horde player, that meant Bilgewater Cartel, Darkspear, Huojin, Orgrimmar, Silvermoon City, and Thunder Bluff.
What I found from my own experiments is that (when they work) regular faction tabards award some amount of reputation from normal runs of any dungeon up to Honored status, after that their behavior is very hit or miss in normal dungeons.
In the case of heroic dungeons, basic faction rep tabards grant some degree of reputation with the worn faction all the way through Shadowlands (tested as late as patch 10.0.5).
During most previous expansions, the tabards awarded reputation with the worn faction up to Revered before requiring Heroic mode dungeon runs.
However, since Dragonflight prepatch, reputation awarding seems to be very unreliable in dungeon and raid runs of any sort. In my most recent run of Molten Core, killing any boss too quickly cheated me of the Hydraxian Waterlords reputation I was due. Which was very annoying to say the least.
Wrath Halls of Lightning is good and fast for city rep. Didn’t take too many runs to get my alt to exalted with Stormwind.
I tested Mana Tombs again (on Normal mode) and it still would not give my Monk any SW rep. I did remove the tabard and re-equip it and tried again, same results.
However, once I switched difficulty to Heroic, I started receiving SW rep. My Monk is currently Revered with SW – not sure if that played a part or not in my results.