My solution to pvp server faction imbalance. Retail’s warmode

For those who never played retail, basically all servers are now a hybrid pve/pve servers.

Anytime you’re in town you can switch to a pvp layer called “war mode”. There are many advantages to being in war mode to account for the added danger. You get more exp and quest rewards in the open world along with additional daily quests that reward pvp gear.

Usually I have war mode on in the open world for the improved rewards and the exciting game play but sometimes if pvp is frustrating or their is a griefer out to ruin my day I can simply turn war mode off and quest in peace.

I think this is a MUCH better solution than to simply open up transfers to pve servers creating even more faction imbalance.

Thanks for your consideration


So your solution is to leave SoD and play retail? Sure, go ahead.


I thought faction imbalance wasn’t an issue in SOD. Doesn’t SOD have enforced balance? Where’s the data?

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Not with transfers. Say for example 10% of alliance population transfer off from Server A to Server B. It’ll create a server imbalance on both servers and both factions. Server transfers do not solve anything unless a server is completely dying and devs just choose to shut the server down. (This solution would have to be micromanaged though so not all of said server cant go into one single server to make it imbalanced either). The gatekeeping is only for new characters so server transfers completely bypasses it.

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Why are you even playing SoD at this point?


Andys will do anything to kill sod lol

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Blizzard needs to do a real survey and find out how many players want War Mode. A survey directed to each account, or even every Battlenet account. This needs to be done. For some reason the transfers were not enough for some players. Let the player base vote. For sure voices on the forums do not represent the mean desires of the player base. Do this survey now.

Make this a simple binary option question.

Do you want War Mode on all PVP servers?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Give players a real chance to decide. I hope you won’t just do it without letting the players vote. Don’t use some sliding scale where the results could be interpreted in more than one way. A simple Yes/No. With the actual count of votes. See how many really want this. Actually, the only fair vote would be to let players on the PVP servers vote, as the players on the PVE servers have already “voted”. The voting n population should have a lvl 25 or higher character on a PVP server.


Warmode was the obvious choice from the start. It literally fixes all of these problems and could give people a reason to do world pvp if they added objectives, which would be a plus for the all the people (LOL) who want world pvp.

Instead we are watching wow play out the exact same way again, just faster. What they need to do is stop catering to a loud vocal minority who already have the game they claim to love. Let those people stay in era forever.


Yeah the only explanation is people want to be able to grief others to the point its a detriment to their server instead of a feature that would keep the server healthy.


Based on active raiders, no it doesn’t. It’s pretty much 2 to 1 alliance dominant across the board.

I wish Blizzard would release real numbers, but my guess is they would be pretty close to what Warcraft Tavern is representing…which would probably cause an uproar. LOL!


No. War mode was a disaster for retail.
Go to retail if you want that crap.

Or better yet. play a pve realm. Stop demanding changes that ruin things for others when you can fix it yourself.


Seems war mode is the only solution to the continual griefing. Not everyone could transfer off. Why not let players decide if they want to PVP or do something else?

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They did let you decide, when you chose your realm. Go re roll on wild growth.

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Alternative! Make all servers pve, but make Bloodmoon up all the time and continent wide, alternating between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor every half hour. It would be great! Probably!

even if the servers were 50/50 exactly balanced, it means nothing when you have 10 layers of LAYER HOPPING BABIES, you get the degeneracy that Ashenvale incursions have become. the PVP that happens there is just unfortunate victims who didn’t intentionally layer hop VS an entire layer of one faction

It was a great success in terms of people no longer wanting to be locked to a ruleset they chose over a decade ago.

The only negatives are really that they never added any decent PvP content to War Mode so it was mostly just a place to get a 10% bonus for PvE content in exchange for the risk of being ganked.

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Keep PVE and PVP servers.

Blizzard themselves need to resolve the issue, force it upon the players… warmode just ruins world PVP, it did it in retail.


On a server level? No problem.

On a layer level? Massive issue.

Layers suck for many reasons, megaservers included.

Was small bonus while in warmode from what I remmeber, Biggest part was use of pvp crap in pve which helped alot. Seemed to be dmg bonus rep or something also dont remember. Sod dont have pvp talents and trees so seems kinda pointless.

Layering sucks.