My Retribution Paladin & Enhancement Shaman "meme spec" experience

Ele resto spec allowed me to take on a ret Paladin and a druid yesterday over a Plaguebloom node. It was my first real 1v2 win I have ever had in classic. Nature’s Swiftness is BiS.

I see tons of geared enhance and ret. This might be a YOU problem.

I see enhance with hand of rag all the time in BG’s. I see ret’s in full T2 (I don’t even have full T2 as holy).

There are also weapons perfect for ret and enhance that others should not be interested in (maybe the occasional druid).

Also, nightfall has been proven to be a DPS loss. So your guild or pug groups are doing it wrong.

There’s also no reason you can’t “heal” raids and bring your meme spec to PVP.

Find a good guild, with genuinely good people, who aren’t min-max control-mongers to an anal degree. My guild leaders recently asked me if I would mind playing Balance/Moonkin with my Druid, instead of Restoration so we would have one Druid of that type in the raid, & I said sure no problem. Plenty of other “meme specs” in our raid group & we clear our raid content just fine, without any animosity or loot drama. People roll/bid on what they want for their chosen specs & we all have a good time.

I know that Druids don’t really shine until TBC in most ways, but until then I am still doing okay & still having some fun with my guildmates as the fat laser chicken.


Mana issues kill it from what I’ve read. Guides I’ve seen actually recommend down ranking your lightning bolt spell. Even then you’re still going to run into mana issues. I may still level one to see for myself. If I don’t like it I’ll just shelve it until BC is out.

Absolutely! Our guild doesn’t do an insane min/max thing, several players do; but not all of us nor any of us are obligated to do so. Like me, I don’t want robes of the exalted or core hound pants, certain fights where I am dedicated to healing over cleansing, my 5/8 t1 and some good off pieces will do, or 4/8 t1 and 3/8 t2 does just fine and i tend to be in the top 5 for healing as deep resto, with or without world buffs.

Hunter is not a DPS class, it’s a utility class. Hunters are required for clearing raids, the damage they deal is a bonus.

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Actually, the proc rate is being suppressed on higher than 60 mobs/bosses, similar to TBC fizzle mechanics. The math is there and has been reported on the bug report forums. If not for the “fizzling” it would have a similar proc rate to Pservers which it has on normal level 60 mobs.

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Your damage is horrible regardless of what gear or weapons you use, you have to go so far above and beyond just to remain reasonably competitive that it’s not actually worth it if you ask me. Ignoring that you don’t actually need a true enhance or true ret paladin for their specific utility I’d say there’s no shame in playing a utility role in Classic as long as you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you’re not in it for the damage and the gear does better in the hands over other classes. Still you should be allowed to roll on some gear through whatever guild system you have because the content isn’t that overly difficult to down.

your wasting your time.
Mages, Warriors, ect cannot stand you getting any improvements to your class that threatens their godlike status. You are there to make the game better for them.

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This right here. Totem twisting is only a viable option on enh because of the mana used and the globals required. Of course, twisting only matters on threat sensitive fights. Tell your warriors to swap main hand and off hand twice on 5 second pulse of WFT to give their offhand chances to proc WF at a small cost of .5 seconds on the swing timer with a fast weapon and a 2 second global every 10 seconds

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Lol wait… is this Kaine from Kromcrush?

But again - a good resto shaman does it better and more effectively while contributing more to a raid.

So, you’re getting less than mediocre DPS for the same thing someone else can do.

THIS - you accidentally came to the correct conclusion here.

You ARE in fact there to buff others and provide support to make them perform better. That is the role of the hybrid in vanilla.


Yeah maybe for some guild comps, not ours. Plus he’s quite valuable in Wpvp.

Geared does not mean top dps. It means geared. Even top geared does less than half the dps of a barely trying rogue or warrior. I’m not being mean or trying to crap on a class. It’s just how the game is.


I’m specifically referencing PVE. PVP people should do what they find fun since it’s only about your game play satisfaction at that point.


Even in PvE we like having our enhancement shaman with improved Windfury and grace of air totem for our two Thunderyfury tanks, or for the melee group depending on the fight.
For us it’s about having our tanks never lose threat, and letting our dps go ham on nearly every fight.

The ZG thing blows my mind. Any guild limiting rolls or funneling items other than rep in ZG is a bad guild that is full of bads who should feel bad about being bad. Just gobsmackingly stupid. You were wise to leave.

Sounds like a bad guild, I mean when you’re killing Vael as the first tank is getting detonated, DPS isn’t really a concern.

I tried to see if you had logs but only saw some with that guild name on another server. Nothing for Heartseeker. Was curious to see what the difference is between my guild and yours.