My Retribution Paladin & Enhancement Shaman "meme spec" experience

Enh sucks when youre in blues, but when you get real geared slowly its actually huge in pvp, pve… meh.

Being expected to play your class doesn’t mean its a job, most of that is a minimal time sink at best and much more desirable than having super long raid clear times. Most of the “play whatever you want however you want it guilds” take like 3 hours to do BWL, no thank you.

Yeah… no buffs and a few non meta classes aren’t going to triple raid times. And the only reason you are against it is because you aren’t having fun.

Im having fun, and also don’t play with crappy meme specs :smiley:

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My guild has an enh and an spriest and we clear bwl in sub an hour, and at least the enhance is above literally all the non warriors and rogues, and the like one geared mage. A few fights he’s been top 3. Just saying.
P.s. it’s always the mage acting like meme specs are lesser beings, even though in the absence of aoe mages are fk all til aq lmao


There’s also a fk load of shamans worldwide that completely out dps you on every single fight and you talk down on meme specs. Hahahaha


Thanks for the story and your view on this.
I think both guilds didn’t treat you correctly and this is truly a shameful example of LC greed and all guild members being ok with it.
You should be able to get some pieces of gear for your main spec at some point and not being last on a prio for all items for your main spec always.
However, you are playing on a pve ,so nightfall strat seems very good and effective for a raid rather than just giving you a solo dps boost. Even if you get a good weapon, It still better to use Nightfall to boost raid dps.
My point is both guild UTILIZED your character in raid in the most efficient way for your main spec. However they TREAT you very bad for a guild mate.

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They also probably put in a lot more effort, flasking, full word buffs, ect… total snoozefest, find me in the BGs :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a few excuses for being worse than the memes you mock… weird flex ,“I’m not bad I just don’t try hurrr” hahaha true indication of garbage

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Link the logs so I can show our guilds enh sham, he doesn’t do good dps rn.

Am dumb at forums can’t post link have confusion

Leeks just look him up fk

the number 1 enh shaman does 750ish dps in BWL, which is “meh” as soon as AQ comes out the gaps between meme specs and others just gets bigger, mages go fire, locks get more hit, some of the dps items are bonkers for melee, ect.

Weird coming from a mage doing a little over half that, because “too much effort” l o l

Warlocks are far inferior to mages in terms of DPS at this stage of the game. I can only hope to beat a mage I vastly outgear, or vastly outskill. In a raiding guild that cared exclusively about min-maxing, only mages would get caster DPS gear.

Do people even look at the statistics? At the 95th percentile locks do 5 less dps than mages.

Warcraft logs:

With all percentiles, they do 10 less dps.

Warcraft logs:

I agree with your final point.

So as a caveat to OP: Don’t play ret / enhancement, UNLESS you will be in a guild that supports it.


one of our holy pallys who has a really nice ret set and hand of rag does our drunk bgs as ret brings full world buffs and still doesn’t come close to the top of meters vs nonworld buffed or consumed players when i tried full world buffs on my warrior i could do about 15% of the raids dps on a warrior why bring a ret vs warrior in a serious raid

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Because serious <> hardcore tryhard 100% optimal or bust.

Serious raids ended 13 years ago. If your raids are serious now, then you guys are trying way too hard for not a lot of gain.

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Raid clear speed > individual logs. Welcome to classic raiding, where clearing content faster means more loot and more content to squish in on a raid night. I think you will prefer retail instead.

Nah,classic is way more fun.