My Retribution Paladin & Enhancement Shaman "meme spec" experience

Yes but shadow priests are a big boost to warlock dps. Meters don’t show it, but up to 15% of warlock damage belongs to that shadow priest.

You don’t bring the damage, but you’re utility and doesn’t burn out a healer being forced to go shadow weaving


if you have 4 warlocks and debuff slot. And having to buff people wasting money on candles then drink then buff then drink then buff then drink is the main reason why my main isn’t a Mage from start.

I’m maining warlock now, it’s chill even with all shard management. Already geared better than my priest because people actually want warlocks in raids.

You don’t have to be shadow to do that. You should be disc with shadow weaving and there to maintain the stacks while healing. The issue for shadow priest isn’t their damage it’s the debuffs they take up on the boss that push good things off.

Not even when seal twisting; it’s just flat-out 15% more damage than SoC on its own, with windfury+twisting it gets even better. Also spiritual attunment granting belfs more mana, thanks to SoB damaging them constantly - keep a HoT on them and they will never OOM.

Alliance rets and Horde rets just aren’t comparable in BC. It’s not about horde players magically being smarter and putting ret in a DPS group, it’s just SoB being so blatantly OP they gave it to Alliance in Wrath.


Why would you be in a guild so bad that they don’t track debuff slots and doesn’t leave one up for weaving?

Did you PLAY wrath as a paladin? Because this is wrong. just BLATANTLY wrong.
I raided in Wrath, its the expansion I have the most memories of due to my fun raiding as ret, and I can tell you, THEY DID NOT HAVE SOB IN WRATH.

Blizz stated that SOB was too difficult to balance and so they REMOVED SOB in wrath. They restructured SOV to be the new DPS seal and gave THAT to both races.
The fact that it had some ramp up time (As in wrath the primary damage was no longer the dot itself, but a bonus damage that would be dealt by the paladin everytime they hit the target when the target was at 5 SOV stacks) was seen as a good way to give Ret players sustained raid DPS while SOB still had too much “out of the gate” damage, so they just decided to Kill SOB and focus on SOV.

Seal of the Martyr is functionally the same thing as SoB, and wasn’t removed until 3.2.

Your memories are either wrong or you only played after 3.2.


Soo… A few problems with the two braindead shamans here who claim to just be being realistic and not crapping on enhance.

  1. ele at its best, is roughly equal to enhance at its best, but ele requires things like innervate and PI to get to that point.
  2. a healer or an ele can’t efficiently twist, at all, if they want to have any Mana sustain. Having to twist while also casting heals means you never reach the 5 seconds required for a mp5 tick, ever. This means your shaman runs out of Mana all the faster (also if you think an ele twists HA Mana is gold.)
  3. I’ve seen enhance shamans pulling 1.2k+ on some fights, which is a lot more than at this point most casters and hunters do, along with the vast majority of the middle of the playing field rogues and warriors.
  4. if you wanna get real down to it, the justification for bringing an enhancement shamans is that you don’t need the extra healer but still need or want totems. You act as if every rogue and warrior showing up to raid is pulling 1.4-2k every fight which is simply untrue, whether you have top performing ones or not. The simple fact is that when you sleep on enhance dps by assuming the top 5 do well and it pitfalls, the same is true about any dps class and the vast majority of the people playing MOST classes are not the minmax try hards you are assuming they are. An extra 4.5% crit and wf for one group of your top dps is enough to want to bring one, plus whatever dps he does. Which being said with using literally no other abilities, enhance shamans pull more than 300 dps, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
    Not even going to touch on the whole, absolutely no reason to complain about meme specs in an iteration of the game that is 15 years old and can be done with just about any combination of classes and specs.
    I’m not saying there’s reason behind stacking a raid with enhance shamans. 1, maybe 2 tops… but you’re an idiot if you think no math works out to them being beneficial, along with clearly being one of those spergs who read slam guides back pre launch and have nothing but anecdotal third hand knowledge to contribute.

You don’t understand how mp5 works. You gain mp5 from gear ALWAYS, inside and outside the 5 second rule. You gain mana after 5 seconds of no mana expenditure, based on spirit, every 2 seconds. That is not mp5.

Shamans have atrocious spirit regen rate and, as you have noticed, they are rarely outside the 5 second rule. So spirit is a dead stat for them, and they value Mp5 much more than other healers. Their BiS has the most mp5 of all healers.

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Oh fair, that however is under the assumption that shamans are geared fully for mp5 which no ele will be and most restos aren’t sitting at much over 45 or 50. A healer twisting is still dedicating 12 gcds and 2k+ Mana per minute just to totems, even with cost reduction.

You get more DPS by gearing a dps warrior or rogue up over a shaman or paladin, even without a nightfall you shouldnt get those items first.

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Yeah I wouldn’t advocate for specifically feeding bis loot to shamans or paladins persay, I mean theres never really an absence of at least some drops specifically suited for them so it’s not like they’d NEVER get items. I do see most shamans on my server in dkp groups for that reason tho

Unless it’s a fire resist mob, my bet is a Spellhance build with MCPs and Flametongue for those numbers.

Yeah, it’s really not a good talent when you do the math on it when you consider the value of talent points spent to acquire the talents. You’d probably be better off going into the elemental tree as a shaman to get elemental warding than to spend talents on improved totems. It’ll help you stay alive, which is much more valuable than a tiny amount of dps increase.

Nah, it was an elemental devestation build(most common enhance build rn) spellhance doesn’t become too popular until next phase with neretzek coming out.

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Dude…wait it out for one expansion.

Respec Elemental on your Shaman and you will be gravy.

If they use 2.4.3 as a reference for TBC, then Ret Pallies will smash too.

-A fellow hybrid

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If you want to play ret and be taken seriously you have to put in extra effort, farm mats for sulfuron hammer, make a lionheart helm, farm HoJ or the Darkmoon Card (which apparently has a bad ppm so meh) and probably snag a bit of PvP gear, likely at least WSG bracers / AV items if not rank 10+

Also show up with most if not all raid buffs and elixirs, once you start passing people on meters maybe you’ll get allocated some gear.

Or just join a group of people that play the game instead of turning it into a job. You know, just pick the option you want. It’s not rare on some realms to find raids like that. Toxic realms might have a crappier outlook.


or maybe dont play ret

Nah, I’ll play how I want. Plenty of people who play to have fun.

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