How on earth did you come up with those figures?
Through years of watching raiding guilds die on both factions.
I would like the pescription you’re taking, please.
I was going to ask you the same thing, Mr. 99%.
One thing throwing off people’s estimations is that a lot of that Alliance population is probably people with Horde mains, who just don’t use their Alliance characters for serious things, because they know the high-end player community is mostly engaging with the game on the Horde side.
In other words, while comparing “raider population” adds one wrinkle, the other wrinkle is comparing “main population.” What percentage of the Alliance characters gathered by data aggregators are the “mains” to the account holder? The Alliance might be working with far fewer “mains” than the Horde is. I know personally I’ve got Alliance alts, and I log onto them and do stuff from time to time, but I never use them for high end stuff.
Hahaha! This is so true! Throw in the adverts and it’s a time machine.
But, it can’t rival the DOS 6.0 version of the FF launcher. Nothing tops that!
So why didn’t you take the other 2?
Well said. This type of problem alone is one reason to find a way of relaxing the faction restrictions. There is no reason at all not to design raids to allow players from both factions to take part, and less reason not to allow them to be in the same guild. Other games manage it just fine while still retaining faction/race identity.
We are people, not characters. As people we should be able to socialise and play together.
I suspect Alliance is older. My guild is full of ex-progression raiders who are raising kids or working long hours, myself included.
Well, I’m 50 myself, and we have other late-40s and 50s in our guild, working long hours and raising kids, and we still get Cutting Edge every tier. That’s actually the whole focus of our guild, we raid late so that people can get the kids in bed first.
I’ve already said my piece on this subject … far too much, but;
There are far too many downsides in PvE for the faction split to be a factor there. In fact, I’d even argue there’s no upsides whatsoever outside of PvP.
If you’re going to limit a player’s choices like this, there should at least be a reason, or a tangible benefit at the end of the tunnel - as far as I can see, though, there is none.
Wow, nice. I haven’t run into people my age doing CE raiding. But maybe that’s because I’m on a low-pop server group stubbornly playing Alliance.
I would have shifted from Classic to chasing down my AotC but a consulting gig too good to pass up landed just as TBC prepatch hit. I’ve only been raiding one night a week in my guild’s Saturday party/raid for three weeks now. Sigh.
They make lots of money on paid faction transfers. Full stop.
I’m an RPer and I say the faction identity crap is killing the story which kills opportunities for RP. It’s stagnating things, it makes a mockery of motives and reasoning and complicates the process of building a coherent character. They need a revamp so don’t feel that it’s necessarily RPer and story types who oppose change on the faction question. Class fantasy/identity type stuff would be a far better thing to build around. Have multiple houses/factions based loosely around class fantasy tropes (a rogue or thieves group, another that’s based around the more accepted magics, another around dark magics, another around martial prowess and strength, another around faith (priests/paladins). Don’t restrict these groups on the basis of class but combine them to make up two distinct larger factions at war with each other. Shift the houses or sub-factions within it in betrayals and re-alignments from time to time to suit story and balance the player-base. And allow everyone to play with whoever they want. PvP servers are dead, let humans and blood elves and dwarves and tauren mingle in cities in a new age. Let the PvPers enjoy combat against those warmode flagged of the opposite major faction and in battlegrounds.
and you believe ion…a NYC lawyer who has already lied to us
I’ll be the voice of reason. Have new servers for these team up wishers. Free transfer. Or eliminate mythic and heroic mode.
Any race any faction?
This could actually make for some interesting numbers if they were available. I know offhand, as an RPer, several people that raid Horde but RP Alliance.
They could experiment and create a server with no factions. Let players transfer there for free and see what happens in terms of population and pugging experience