Dark Age of Camelot did that because a lot of people requested it. But it ended up being the lowest-pop server and had to be merged with a regular server, in the end.
They’re really trying to force faction identity while they write stories about my horde character rescuing Jaina, and hanging with Shandris while I bring Tyrande out of the maw, and the whole time I’m supposed to care about Anduin’s well-being.
They literally ended BFA with the concept of us relying on each other again with Sylvanas as a common enemy.
Like, what faction identity? At this point PVP feels out of place anyway, with how the story is going. Allow us to group, chat, and guild with any faction outside of PVP. We can still have world PVP this way with War Mode.
I mean, how many goblin NPCs have I killed?
How would you even do that? Does the server get locked from outside server LFG? Or am i going to get grouped by Alliance from that server?
This conversation is essentially equivalent to the flying debate…
Merging the factions or allowing cross play will benefit all by increasing the number of players you can interact with…which reduces PVP/PVE queues and makes finding M+/raids groups easier
Really, the only argument against it is “my immersion!”…just like everybody who argues against flying
Helllo im tired
There’s no ‘fracturing’ of the player base. Horde is better for raiding. If you want CE any tier, you’ll go horde. Obviously alliance can do it, but the #1 holdback for any guild attempting CE for the first time is attendance/recruiting. It is practically impossible to recruit for alliance. But when your guild chose to roll alliance this tier, they made their bed.
We were alliance last tier in Nyalotha. Only got 10/12M before we had to stop because we just didnt have the attendance of our good players and our bad players on the bench weren’t up to scratch to do carapace. We decided to faction change to horde this tier and got CE. Lost so many people through the tier and refilled by the next week because the harvest is plentiful on horde side. If you pick to raid alliance, you are willingly fracturing yourself. Not blizz’s fault. Most alliance dps racials are better anyways, it’s not blizz’s balance thats the problem.
Gamers just want to play horde, and Gilneas RPers/pet battlers want to play alliance
Since this is all hypothetical, we can say cross server play remains with factions I guess. It wasn’t a fully thought out plan lol.
The cognitive dissonance of this entire post is fascinating.
Weirdly, going this route would probably help faction balance considerably. I, for one, have been playing horde since BfA just because I want to have raid team options. I greatly prefer the Alliance aesthetic and miss my old toons, however.
It doesn’t need to be, because there really aren’t enough players to sustain an active raiding scene for both factions anymore.
There’s a reason Alliance raiding is dying, and the answer to this problem isn’t to throw money at Blizzard to kill the Alliance even faster.
Gamers want to play with people, but when the stupidity of the masses followed the “hardcore” players to Horde and you can’t find many (if any) casual to midcore groups in Alliance, it’s a problem.
No, the answer isn’t go Horde. For every 2-3 people that will go Horde, the others stop raiding or stop playing. That’s not a good solution for an already-floundering game.
Yes, moving to horde until the stream moves alli side.
- defeated kill jaeden together
- killed arthas together
- killed Deathwing together
- defeated Garrosh together
- fought against the legion together
- killed Kill’jaeden together
- Killed Argus together
- defeated Azshara together, and finally
- killed N’zoth together.
We’ve spent more time doing stuff together than doing actual war…
I just really like Tauren and want to play with them and not kill them for once. I mean the rest of the Horde is whatever, but I think Tauren are pretty cool guys. I’m a simple man with simple needs.
Also let’s not forget the horrendous faction balance, that would really help too. We’ve seriously spent the “Horde vs Alliance” storyline for all it’s worth. We can’t just keep fighting and making up. It’s so stupid at this point because it’s always within a span of years. I know it’s a game but we should be like, spent, economically, emotionally, army sizes, with how much we throw at the other all the time.
If they ever add crossfaction pve, it won’t be in this expac. It wil be at the very least, from next expac on (and I repeat, that is if Blizz ever adds the feature).
And at least 2 old gods, a massive dragon empowered by said gods, the lich king and his minions, the burning legion, and the list goes on.
I’m fine with the hostility between the horde and alliance, but you’d think at the very least the champions of both would work together.
Interestingly, even at the start of WoW the two factions weren’t really at war. Any skirmishes that popped up were localized and not representative of the Horde or Alliance proper-- Thrall did not want war, and neither did… Uh… Who the heck was leading the Alliance at the start of WoW? Either way, neither side wanted war.
Horde peon: I want peace.
Alliance peasant: Ya, Me too.
Horde peon: Hey, you know Varian and Garrosh, those two faction fundamentalists that hate each other?
Alliance peasant: Yep, good thing their not in char… oh goddammit.
So is Broccoli, that doesn’t mean I ll eat it
Removing barriers does not have to mean removing Horde vs Alliance.
Kil’jaeden - False. There were no Horde characters helping Alliance in Tomb.
Arthas - True.
Deathwing - False. There were no Alliance characters helping Horde in Dragon Soul.
Garrosh - True.
Legion - Not really. The Horde was largely written out of Legion.
Kil’jaeden - You mentioned this already, and it’s false (see above).
Argus - False. There were no Alliance characters helping Horde in Antorus.
Azshara - True.
Nzoth - False. There were no Alliance characters helping Horde in Nyalotha.
As Lor’themar reminds us in Nazjatar, cooperation is the exception, not the rule.