My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

I think the playerbase is reaching a level where there’s not enough numbers to support two factions anymore

Which causes subs to cancel. Anyone who doesn’t think this is a serious problem for the game is lying to themselves


eh, beacuse it’s new

wowprogress is a better source even though it’s design hasn’t been updated since 1994 and looks like a site some kid made for their dog with basic html in notepad.


The faction populations are relatively even, though.

The only difference is that a lot of Alliance players don’t want to do end-game stuff.

So rather than having the Horde playerbase have to rescue the Alliance, focus should be on getting more Alliance players to do high-end stuff, instead.

Assuming that “there aren’t more Alliance players raiding Mythic” is actually a problem. (I’m not convinced.)


right. but the faction populations isn’t relevant.

the raiding population is.

Which I addressed in that same post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah there are some guilds that I follow that don’t show up in the results because their raid days and times aren’t listed on their profile. They have this feature implemented for players looking for guilds but not vice versa.

the onus is not on the raiding population to turn the RP player or battlepet player or LFR hero players into mythic raiders.

that’s absurd.

there’s a raiding population. Over time, that population has shifted to horde. that there are still a fairly even number of people on alliance means nothing when those players have no interest in mythic raiding. The players who DO have that interest have largely gone horde.

certainly not all, lots of people are still raiding alliance side, but the majority? horde. Some people (not you) point to the presence of a handful of top end alliance guilds as some kind of proof that mythic raiding is still strong alliance side. well of course the world 50, 20, w/e type guilds can recruit people. But the rest? the world 400, 600? they’re the ones struggling the most trying to recruit to a faction with a disproportionately small percentage of the people who want to raid mythic play.


Far more Alliance Mythic raiders have quit the game than have flipped to Horde.

And a ton of Horde Mythic raiders have quit, too. We had the top 2 guilds on Hyjal (both long time, Top 50 guilds) disband during BfA. And nobody cared. Meanwhile 1 Alliance guild flips sides and it’s the End of the World on the forum for months.

To be brutally honest, the Alliance playerbase just seems to cry and complain a lot. It’s not a good look. Nor is it a good look to constantly post about the Alliance is hopeless and can’t get anything done unless the Horde comes in and saves them.

That’s the Alliance’s biggest problem, and it’s something only the Alliance playerbase can fix.

(Again, assuming it’s even a problem in the first place. There are plenty of Alliance CE guilds, there are homes for Alliance players who want to raid Mythic. Might require a server move, but that’s universal, I’ve had to move servers 3 times myself, over the last 16 years. They do need to aggressively merge servers to unite these isolated pockets of players.)

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this late in the patch h/ summer time ppl start disappearing / not wanting to raid till the next patch which doesn’t help either

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Also, a TON of people looking for a spot are trying to get into 10/10 guilds.

We aren’t even recruiting and I get multiple requests a week asking if we are.

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i know my progression is 4/10 M on this toon but were 500 wipes in on M generals XD and to ANYONE alliance side willing to transfer servers if you are interested in M progression / raiding hit us up if we could recruit / keep the same people every week instead of Plug and play what ever we can get XD we would be 200 wipes in Sire instead of 500 in generals haha… but Low Pop server connected to other Low pop servers all 80% horde 20% alliance FTL

They need to merge more servers, and they need to merge like-faction servers together.

Alliance-heavy servers should be merged with other Alliance-heavy servers, and Horde-heavy with Horde heavy.

Merging opposite-faction servers together to create “balanced servers” helps no one. Somebody at Blizzard needs to wake up and realize this isn’t 2004 WoW before Battlegrounds even existed.

Or Blizzard will do what they usually do when Mythic Raiders whine about being ‘forced to do anything’; remove racial abilities. Even then it wouldn’t change anything. You can’t force people to play with/in the other faction.

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Ion actually addressed it in an interview and said there might be ways but he’s bent on keeping alliance vs horde a thing because it’s what wow is. Faction borders NEED to drop asap.

buuuuuuut they also said

about guild permissions 3 years ago and what do you think takes more work, making a new guild permission interface or changing the game so Horde and Alliance can raid together :laughing:

I mean, Horde used to be the same way, and then something miraculous happened; Blizzard altered the racials so that the Horde were more ‘efficient’ to the calculator jockeys.

Then every ‘serious’ Mythic Raider jumped ship and dug into the Horde like starving ticks on a sow.

You guys made this predicament happen.

Horde has been the heavy hitter in raiding since Burning Crusade.

You think TBC Berserking and Mana Tap were game changers? :rofl:

LOL seriously. the day after we killed Donny, apps started flooding in.

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I would say it’s both. It’s impossible to get a clear read on the division, but they compound and work off of each other.

If an Alliance mythic raiding guild collapses, you likely have a couple people very invested in that particular guild who stop playing the game as a result (whole-game attrition). You have a couple other people who decide to find a new raiding guild, and faction switch to Horde.

You might have a couple other people who take a break for a tier and play casually, but when they get back into raiding, they decide to use one of their Horde characters as their new main (not faction switching their original Alliance raiding character, but they’re no longer an Alliance main), because why make it harder on themselves by raiding on the Alliance side?

Then you’ve got the rest that stick with Alliance raiding. Horde guilds go through most of that same stuff, but their rate of collapse is probably lower (easier to keep on top of recruitment), and they must lose fewer people to seeing them go Alliance than Alliance lose to seeing people go Horde.


It would be a time-intensive project, but I bet if you went back in time, say, 3 years, and made a list of all the Mythic Alliance raiding guilds active at that time, but aren’t raiding as Alliance anymore.

What %% do you think are now Horde, vs. what %% no longer exist? I would bet money that 99% simply no longer exist, with only 1% now being Horde.