My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

lol - I just saw this. I looked around for something to work on for SL and saw the Pet Battle Collection achieves. So that is what I have worked on for the last few months. It’s kind of a relaxing time. I travel around old zones, which kinda brings up nostalgia vibes. Only need to pop in and out a few minutes each day. Which works well in between Team Conference calls for work.

I have about ~20 more pets to go before I get to 800 unique ones. Waiting for ~ June 22 to get the last pet for Kalimdor Safari Achieve. Then I’ll revisit my sub.

To the OP: Sorry about having to deal with the frustrations of Mythic Raid recruiting. I have an alt in an Alliance guild with a Mythic team that made it to the last boss on Mythic CN and finally threw in the towel over recruiting this tier. They’ll try again when 9.1 comes out, but it’s getting harder and harder for them to fill the roster. Mega sad face :frowning:


OP what was your peak roster size this expansion?

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We started the tier with 26, and picked up 4 more throughout. This was a very rough tier roster wise. Been with this team for five years now, never seen such churn. Otherwise we’ve been very stable.

Yeah… sounds like us in BfA.

I’ve been doing this a long time, and one of the questions I always ask people who apply is “What do you think is the ideal size of a raid roster these days?”

The most common answer is “25”. But 25 isn’t safe. It’s functional, but it’s not safe. If 3 people have work shift changes the same month, you’re down to 22 and the guild is in critical danger.

At this point, I think 28 is the number to shoot for. I just wish Blizzard would allow Mythic raids to scale in size so that everybody could actually play on each boss.

I was looking at your log roster… that’s either a lot of turnover or a lot of pugging to fill holes (or both). Says you’ve used 12 different tanks this tier. Even if some of those were alts, holy moley…


Oh, that’s probably going to look very scuffed. Our guild has 4 differant teams, each with very different prog and time commitment levels. But it makes things look kinda goofy without really digging into it

Interesting. I don’t raid, but if you had asked me I would have guessed that you would need a bench of about 30 people. Working as a team. Which means you have to juggle things so:

  • You cover all the roles with enough depth to be able to cover for IRL stuff.
  • You need to juggle things so folks are getting even experience.
  • Run everyone through so they get to kill each boss at least once.
  • Get everyone on the team any achieves. (AOTC and ???)

I’ve managed software teams, and trying to do all the above for a hobby? Ugh, I think I’ll pass. lol

Edit: Spelling


That’s such a tough call. Especially at the beginning of the expansion and the importance of vault options. Trying to build rosters was a nightmare early on. Unless you’re one of the top end guilds doing a bunch of splits

The dilemma with this kind of number is, people want to play. With mythic locked at 20 you’d be benching half your team every fight. And at our prog pace that can sometimes be a while. Asking people to take one for the team sometimes is absolutely necessary, but as you say, this is a hobby. If mythic was flex on the other hand, problem solved. But alas, it ain’t that way. And I get the game design reasons there.


Even now with all 10 bosses on farm, I have to do a spreadsheet every week in advance of who’s in & out on each boss, to get everyone to 9-boss or 6-boss breakpoints.

Which is why our logs show 3 tanks, we cannot have the 2 regular tanks doing 10 bosses each because it takes away kills from other players’ Great Vault tally.

The Great Vault SUCKS for Mythic raiders.


Yea it’s real crappy to work around. It’s not so bad if you’re a top, top end guild running multiple teams. But the mid-to low end CE crew gets it bad

I like to sit at 26. my raid lead perfers 25 because he has less people to juggle.

we went through most of slg/denathrius progression with 24, but we were going light on recruitment not wanting to bring someone in mid-prog.

back up to 26 for 9.1 though.

pretty much yes. more people is good for your first bullet (we didn’t have a DK or H. Pal for denathrius, which really sucked) but more people isn’t as good for the next three. 30 is a lot.

every group is going to do things differently though.

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We have 5 people out this week, for example. A bunch of delayed traveling going on now that covid restrictions are being lifted.

Thank god for a larger roster, in weeks like this.


it’s awful.

extending for progression? NO VAULT FOR U.

Sat on a boss? One less vault spot!

it’s very poorly thought out.


Every SL system in a nutshell!

Many players just want to run the dungeon/raid. I’d take cross faction to speed up hits.

Why I have a leveling lock in story mode. I didn’t like TOF’s objective setup, you can scrape for side quests and lfd ain’t popping its like sigh…

Story mode last night when lfd was slow I still had story quests a plenty to bang out.

So that lock will use the ye old 90% story level. Get down to like 20K xp to 60…then switch to TOF to not get locked into story at 60 ding.

SL I don’t even get “but but ma lore!” arguments. Its plaguefall, we are here to kill a slimey skeleton lady. Ain’t no grrrr! i hate you other side here.

Not gonna I got my max level characters during the pre legion launch event here. I’m not going to displace a great deal of my previous efforts for greener pastures when this is a game issue it’d be nice to get cutting edge at some point, but I’m not going to pay out of pocket for something that ultimately is a game design issue. I’d rather play mid tier every tier here instead.

Why should I have to pay for the mistake of playing on the wrong server on the wrong faction when neither of those things should exist in the first place? If the opportunity cost is not getting far in mythic so be it, I’ll just do what I can on this dead server.

Speaking of which as an Alliance only raider, I’ve been using the new Warcraftlogs LF guild feature and I only got 18 results back with only 10 of those guilds having at least one mythic boss down. My search criteria wasn’t even super picky. Part of the reason can be due to guilds not putting their raid days and times on there but still. Looking bleak for us in 9.1. :expressionless:

This is a Mythic raiding issue, not a faction issue, i don’t raid Nathria this season because the rewards suck, and it looks like the reward is still suck in 9.1.


Yeah, but we did all the hard work. Kinda carried the Alliance through it really…in hindsight, that will be 5 million for the carry, thank you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Go horde. You are welcome…

On a more serious note, Ally is dead and Blizz has no interest in fixing it because “herp derp it’s a player base problem”. As if Blizz didn’t cause the problem in the first place from years of neglect… I was a 12 year ally player that swapped in BFA. It’s a totally different game on Horde side.