My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

You need to get off that server.

Unless Blizzard aggressively merges servers (which it doesn’t seem they’re going to do), people will continue to congregate to larger servers.

That’s a very real thing, we have plenty of evidence of that.

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As some other folks mentioned, they didn’t contact us, we reached out to players on various platforms who were looking for a guild, but didn’t explicitly mention wanting to stay horde. Gotta get your hustle on a bit I’m afraid.

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You missed the Nighthold and Antorus. That’s way more than once per expansion already.

You’re also omitting basically every circumstance outside of a raid where we cooperate. Which has been a few zones in Legion and all Maw related activities so far. Not to mention Nazjatar, which was during the expansion war.

I never implied we had to be killing each other, but we work together way too often for a cold war scenario to be realistic.

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And let’s not forget that they will bungle it, and likely say to themselves:

“Well, it’s playing the game that is the most important part - no one will mind transforming visually into a different race every time they party up.”

Then, when most don’t partake because they want to play their character, not some random skin - it will be:

“We tried to fix the Alliance issue, but players weren’t interested.”



It isn’t faction identity. They probably don’t want to play on the dead faction. Empty LFG, less guilds doing progression, less friends playing there. Faction identity doesn’t exist at end game progression.

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Legion was the Blizzard writing team writing the Horde out of the game for 2 years because they’re a bunch of Alliance fanboys/fangirls.

Don’t think you want to use Legion as an example.

Where were the Horde characters helping out the Alliance in any of the Legion raids?

If the Horde doesn’t exist for 2 years, that’s not “faction cooperation”.


Sorry to hear that OP. I suppose its time to begin playing the real game now though. PVP Pet Battles.

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The Nighthold armies led by Khadgar consist of night elves and blood elves led by Tyrande and Liadryn.

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… the what?

And it’s not like we are combining our forces, we are just running joint operations but we are still doing it as “Alliance” and “Horde” fighting towards a common goal.

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When you’re questing in Suramar, an army of Blood Elves and Night Elves are frozen in time while attempting to assault the Night Hold. When you kill the second boss, these armies are freed, and Khadgar leads them while the players finish off other bosses.

There’s an army of NPC’s killing the trash in Nighthold after the 2nd boss?

The dialog from Khadgar heavily implies they’re doing stuff story wise. Do NPCs have to be on screen during a boss fight for it to count?


If I ask:

Then yeah, I expect them to actually be IN THE RAID.

I know the OP was talking about a Mythic raid group. All of my super casual friends that do Normal/Heroic bailed on Alliance in Legion.

Just easier to recruit or be casual Horde side was the reason. Of the few remaining people on my friends list that log in, all are Horde now. lol

Not a real big deal for me because I pretty much went solo play a couple of expansions ago.

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Time for my WoW career to truly peak

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When you hit the big times, Blizzcon Pet Battle Championships, just remember us little guys.



How often do we even have NPCs fighting on screen for the sake of immersion? At most, we get NPCs doing animations for the sake of lore that don’t actually help us kill a boss.

There’s little point in us continuing this back and forth anymore if you’re going to keep escalating the goal post of what counts as cooperation on me. You may have the last word, if you wish.


The point stands that Alliance & Horde only work together once per expansion, if that.

There’s this narrative on the forum that we’re always working together, and that’s just wrong.

And to say “well if we’re not actively murdering each other than we’re cooperating” is silly.

If I were at that point, I’d be offering to cover faction change costs lol

That’s really rough though - we had a similar issue and couldn’t keep 20 people consistently / had a number of our better players take breaks due to the general lack of engagement with SL. Hard to get mechanics down with a revolving door of 4-5 people out of 20.

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