My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

They don’t need to cram it into a new patch–it’d likely be its own thing.

Logistically, they would need to deal with a lot of the individual flags for characters. While I like to believe it’s a “simple” thing, it would likely involve some work once they (finally) commit to it.

At this rate, especially with the general difficulty of endgame content these days, they really should end the faction split. My mythic guild died to the roster boss this tier, so I’m going back to looking for a guild to try and grab my own Sire kill, but going back to Alliance is not on the table for that.

The only thing they can do is give alliance OP racials or let both factions play together. Horde OP racials caused the issue in the first place. When horde needed help, they made blood elves, when alliance needed help, they made vulpera. What a joke.


Alliance already has OP racials.


^ This is the problem with talking about Mythic raiding in General Discussion.


This is it right here. And it will only continue without direct intervention. As has been mentioned several times in this very thread, ultimately the best solution is to simply go where the players are.

Personally I’m just gonna relax for a tier, but if I did want to raid seriously next tier I would have faction changed. At this point it’s just what makes sense to give you the best available options.


I tend to agree. The decline in participation in raiding at the highest level seems like it has progressed paradoxically with the difficulty of raiding itself.

People get really sensitive about it, but raid participation skyrocketed in WoTLK and those raids, even hard modes and heroics, were … lets say not challenging when compared to the mechanic fiestas of the mythic raids of today.


It isn’t just the difficulty of raiding. Blizzard keeps putting the screws on raiders.

Seriously, what the hell is going on with the nerf to raiding gear drop rates? Raiding was already one of the worst ways to gear up in the game, and they made it WORSE.

Since Legion they’ve been forcing Mythic raiders to run M+ (or, in, Shadowlands, do RBG’s) in order to gear. It’s just a second job.


This is exactly it. I have no desire to hang out in Orgrimmar or whatever. I’ve no objection to keeping the flavour alive. Just hoping for some sort of compromise from a gameplay/accessibility perspective.


I promise you MANY guilds are having huge roster issues on horde as well.

It’s just the nature of mythic, especially high end mythic. It requires a LOT of dedication being able to show up on time multiple nights every week for months. Especially when it gets close to summer.


BFA was the only point in the last three xpacs where any serious story based faction conflict existed at all, and once Nazjatar came into the picture the war effectively becomes everyone VS Sylvanas.

Horde players cooperated with Alliance NPCs for the entirety of Legion and (so far) all of Shadowlands. Anywhere where they don’t, the factions basically don’t exist (with the exception of Dazar’alor).

If story is going to be the reason we keep the factions separated, there needs to be more to it than “X warchief wants conflict, and everyone blindly follows along”.

As far as attrition goes, you are correct; everyone jumped ship because recruitment became difficult and one factions core was more enticing than the other (mostly because at the time, horde racials were perceived as better). Keeping players segregated is not the answer, though (I’d argue realm restrictions are just as big a problem, personally).

I’ve watched every potentially cutting edge on my server group slowly die/server hop/faction hop since I came back in legion. I don’t want to mythic raid if I’m going to have to pay blizzard to allow me to move to a mythic workable player pool because I made the unforgivable mistake of playing alliance on the wrong server. Its infuriating, and its not like racials make a huge difference right now even if alliance theoretically have better ones. Somehow horde racials still find ways to be relevant in the important fights anyway like troll racials for horde in dazar, or goblin racial for every knock back fight in existence.

Even now the hellscream zangarmarsh+the 4 servers that we have 15 guilds that have killed mythic shriekwing. The top 2 of which have gone 8/10 and have been there for a while. Of these I am positive most of them aren’t even raiding anymore. Despite having 6 servers instead of 2 the combined realm feels emptier now then it did in bfa.


you don’t recruit in the middle of a raid tier - sounds like your team died on the altar of stupidity.

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That’s helluva nice thing you’re doin. Good on ya. There’s a bit of pinch hitting that happens via both the Dalaran server disc, and the NA recruitment discord. But ya know. Dry end of expansion is dry.

I’m glad to hear your group was able to cobble together a roster though. Gives hope to the rest of us :slight_smile:

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unfortunately, you are correct, he did seem disappointingly open to this.


First of all why would people contact you to join your raid group knowing you play alliance when they don’t want to play alliance ?

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Its those dang elves being all bent out of shape cuz their favorite tree got used in a bonfire or something. Everyone else is chill with it but them.

You seem to be implying that if we aren’t cooperating, we have to be killing each other. That’s not correct.

Situations where there are Horde & Alliance NPC’s working with us in the raids are extremely rare. It doesn’t happen in Castle Nathria. It didn’t happen in Nyalotha. It didn’t happen in Hellfire Citadel.

It DID happen in Eternal Palace, and it DID happen in Siege of Orgrimmar. But if you go through the entire list of raids, it only happens at most once per expansion, and some expansions don’t have it at all.

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Well, I don’t care for the term “bads”, but as someone who actively seeks out and works with players on improving their skill, I think you are overestimating the market for engaging in Mythic raiding.

I find that what most players would label as “bads”, are more than likely just not interested in the focused work needed to go from being able to overgear and complete Heroic to having the soft skills (raid awareness, dmg windows, etc) to complete Heroic at the intended gear level. They can’t be bothered, and that’s okay. Some people just go out to shoot hoops occasionally and it never occurs to them that if they put in more time they could be better at it - because that was never their goal in the first place.

That being said - the largest hurdle towards Mythic raiding is the need for 20 players. When they made that change, I felt that 20 was reasonable and within reach for those who were interested. After all, my niche RP-raiding guild was able to field 14 at the time, with just casual recruitment.

Now, however - after years of undermining guilds and over compensating to cater to the cyclical get-in-get-out no ties gaming community (the current majority of the demographic) so that they can keep their numbers up - they might want to revisit it. Might. It would be a costs analysis, and we don’t have those numbers.

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There is no real conflict between the factions. At this point it is stale and faked and very poor storyline.


because the devs aren’t wise enough to know that if they keep ostracizing half their player base, their game will die.


Do not give them ideas.