My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

They really need to distill all the servers into a handful of megaservers through server connections. That’s the only way to ensure a healthy pool of players on both sides. Nobody should ever feel forced to roll either faction…

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This was TBC, And the raid was accompanied by Velen himself who even restored the naaru so the blood elves could have paladins.

No horde leaders, but horde champions also went there.

It is thanks to Velen that BOTH factions went to Argus to fight Argus. Velen also accompanied both factions to Argus raid. Not to mention Alleria and Turalyon, I gues they are not Alliance?

Sorry, but I can’t tell if you are serious anymore kek.

Unfortunately for you, it has been an “exception” for every expac to the point that it became a rule.


Alliance peasant: Wait a tick… them two is dead, ain’t they?
Horde peon: Zug zug.
Alliance peasant: I want peace.

the alliance player is getting butthurt at the post criticizing the alliance? no way!

also you’re 0/10M. You’re proving my point.


" cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance

/ˈkäɡnədiv ˈdisənəns/



  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."


Did not mean to copy paste enormous link

The real question is, why were people leaving so frequently to begin with? Instead of focusing so much on recruitment did anyone stop and think about how to retain members?

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Retention is nice, but it’s not going to completely counteract the bleed that literally every guild has as people get bored (especially late in a patch) or have RL situations change.

There is no skip for the recruitment boss.


I think I just remember guilds being more tight knit where the core members felt guild pride and stuck around for the connections they made. I guess a lot has changed after being away for a few expansions lol.

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This is most likely it. Wish they’d get over it though and start making changes that would actually benefit the game. Can’t keep pretending like nothing is wrong…

Plenty of guilds are like that.

But when Steve gets a new job, or has a baby or has any change in his life that means he can’t raid anymore, you can’t really do much besides be happy for him and then try and recruit a new Mage or whatever he played.


Yeah I get that, to me it just sounded like a revolving door.

easy fix --come raid on Oceanic ( please dont use latency as an excuse - we raided with 500ms ping for years and had no problems ) our numbers are opposite to NA , we are heavily alliance .

so i guess that wasnt the alliance airship we were on and Alliance ship captain we all fought beside on the third to last boss?

again there’s a big cutscene as you finished out the zone and “unlocked” night hold that showed Night elves and Blood elves (even high elves) getting really to attack the nightborne leader. they literally built up to the quest chain for months in legion. i agree legion was alliance heavy but WoD was also very horde heavy.


perhaps you should go back and check before making false claims

Recruitment is just one of those things when the more you struggle, the harder it gets.

Replacing Steve is easy. Replacing Jimmy is easy. Replacing Timmy is easy. Replacing all three at once? Much, much harder.

And anyone you recruit doesn’t have the same connection to the guild that Steve, Jimmy or Timmy had, so convincing them to stay when you have to call raid because you only had two healers turn up and no-ones offspec is strong enough for a boss like M SLG is a much taller task.


Which fight was Velen in on, again?

Legion mostly felt like I was on loan for the alliance, instead of it being a proper joint effort between the two factions. I think you could cut the horde out of Argus altogether and all you’d lose is a world quest about Aethas’s muffin thief, I think?


People are confusing “being a taxi” with “helping”. Yes, Velen was present but only because we where hitching a ride upon a Draenei “space ship”. Last time I checked, they were the only ones with that capability and knowledge. He, like most the “major” NPC characters in Legion were nothing more than glorified cheer leaders. I mean I loved it when they would stand around and watch us get out butts kicked during raid fights :slight_smile:

and even once you get an applicant, they may be obvious jerks at some point in the screening process. they may go through it all and then never show up for trial. they may show up for trial and just be absolute disasters, or start loot drama after the first farm kill, etc. etc.

when I raided CE, we went through most of M HFC without a warlock and all of it without a disc priest. we just couldn’t find them. we had one lock trial in all that time and he didn’t work out. no disc trials period. we weren’t Method or anything but we weren’t a “CE two days before it goes away” guild either.

Its not just that.

It shouldn’t be that the whole raid blows up the second someone screws up on every single bosses. They started that trend in Nighthold with Star Augure who at least was a fairly late boss then ran with it as some sort of benchmark.

Its exhausting, raiding is meant to be a team effort, that includes being able to lift our teamates when they stumble.

I’m not saying personal responsibility shouldn’t be a thing, specially on later bosses, but bosses like Xymoz, Council or SLG are just unfun for most players who have to wait until their whole team mechanically catches up, which leads to fractures and disbands on a scale i personally never experienced before.


Fully agree. The amount of raid wide one-shots when one single person makes a mistake has grown significantly. I’d like to see less of that.