My Raid Team Died on the Altar of Faction Identity

They really need to just faction merge.

Raiding on Alliance is nothing short of Painful, I normally Raid Lead Pugs and moved from Horde to Alliance for Shadowlands. The sheer amount of people that apply for raids on Horde is not even comparable. You’ll always find more players on Horde willing to raid

Mythic Denathrius is also horrible.

At the start of P2 you have the raid split in half, and half the raid has to do 10 interrupts in a 13-second window. Which isn’t even possible for many classes/raid comps. (Part of why Resto Shamans are so important.)

A single missed interrupt does 20k raid-wide damage and silences the entire raid for 4-seconds. At a time when you’re blowing cooldowns to kill the mini-bosses before Denathrius sucks everyone away from them, which is already a tight DPS check. In other words: One missed interrupt is a wipe.

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That sounds like that one Black Temple boss everybody loathed because of the nonstop interrupt rotation required, which also had another interruptible spell that you DIDN’T want to kick because you’d throw the other players off and maybe let a wiping spell go through.

Mandatory interrupt rotations in Mythic are standard. Blood Council has them, Darkvein has them.

But 10 interrupts, done by only half the raid, in a time window that’s less than the interrupt cooldown… come on.

(Except for Shamans, who at 12 seconds on Wind Shear have the only interrupt in the game that’s less than 15 seconds.)


The horde are filled with alliance refugees.

If the Horde was actually filled with Alliance refugees, there would be even more Horde raiders than there are, now.

Queues up BG
9 Horde to 4 alliance.
Game ends in x minutes due to not having enough players.

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Yeah, was only commenting on what i experienced. Never got to kill Council, had 2 guilds disband on it, one after a 3% attempt, never did Sludge i guess but seriously not a mechanical check by all account and did some SLG attempts with my current guild before they called a break.

I think Xymoz will remain my most hated fight though, probably ever, its by far the easiest of all the ones named, but its such fricking garbage on a conceptual level it boggles the mind it got greenlit as there’s basicaly 2 versions of the fight, one where you’re one of the 15 people bored out of their mind avoiding 3 mechanics waiting for 5 people to figure out the fight and the other where you’re one of the 5 people who has to do basically everything and have to juggle with RNG, pray to god you don’t get the portal then the ghost on top of your seed spawn back to back to back. I’ve done both versions (i was a Hunter early in the patch). They both suck.


they were leaving frequently because it’s alliance and very very few who play alliance want to commit to wiping over and over on prog bosses when they could be in Gilneas RPing or pet battling or winning Tol Barad with wm off instead

I’m reading this conversation between you guys and all I can think is holy hell, this sounds like my job…Hats off to you guys who manage this stuff for your guild but dang!


So we should get no faction hostility because there is a lower population and most went to a few servers, and a majority of them went horde? Kind of funny how Blizzard makes choices and people leave, then the players left demand changes to the game and the way it is so they can get more people to play the game with.

In the end we’re left with a bunch of people sitting in one city, a smaller world of peacecraft, but at least the raid loggers are happy. And it all started with a stubborn group of developers recycling ideas and boring their playerbase to death.

Yes, I think a lot of people don’t understand how much actual work goes into building and maintaining a proper raiding roster. I have had many people over the years act like they could do better, but when given the opportunity to have that power and responsibility, they always ended up quitting. The game, the guild, whatever.

It is a thankless job, and it requires as much (if not more) effort than the job I am paid to do every week. But if I didn’t do it, the guild would die and a lot of people would be very sad. Recruiting is a neverending treadmill of awful.