My quick first impressions on FF14

I was going to write out long topic here (and this is still long. Hindsight thy name is Baridorielor M. Silvershadow. :crazy_face: ), describing my experience with FF14 so far as i truck along, but there wasn’t enough content there and it was too long and drawn out with pretty crappy jokes and such, so i figured this is a better alternative. A bit more straight to the point. A bit. :pinching_hand:

I’m currently taking a break (unsubbed) from WoW due to burnout and boredom of Shadowlands. I will be back, but the question lies on when. I honestly thought i would be playing WoW no matter what when it time come to buying shadowlands, before, during and atfer, but i guess i was about as right when i’ve predicted that a Crash game will never come to and it will just be nothing but Call of Duties.

In short, i was… :point_down:

I did gave a free trial a whirl (since Squenix didn’t put that on Steam) after all the hubbub about FF14 and how it’s great and all, so i gave it a try. Then i got bored of it before i even got up to level 10. I would give it more of a chance, experience more of the game, but that would mean trying to play something i don’t particularly enjoy. While i don’t enjoy the game, i’m not going to say it’s a bad game, infact i would be inclined to believe it’s a good game.

And before we go on, i want to make one point perfectly clear, if you love the game, then i’m happy for you. I’ll applaud you even, because you’re playing a game you like or love, and that’s something that should be encouraged; Just simply playing a game you like or love. And same goes to WoW players and every other player who plays other MMO’s or even other games as well. And don’t think this means you can’t give constructive criticism to the things you love or like want to be improved or can’t consider/take/listen opinions of others. :slight_smile:

And don’t be bogged down by the people who wants to play the silly popularity contest or think everything is dead because it doesn’t make enough money (or as the CEO’s call it “Below expectations”) and thinking if you like a game they dislike or dislike a game they like, or try to hold the same rules and standards even, they will act that something is wrong with you. You know who you are. :expressionless:

But i digress. So here’s the Taxed Largely; Didn’t Rent version to the lost version of that topic of what basically amount to just my opinion.

  • :-1: I didn’t find the story to be interesting at all. Aside from the intros which i’l get into a bit, i didn’t really care much what was happening atfer the intro and that isn’t not for the lack of trying. All can i remember is mother… something giving me a pie, me shooting archer targets, and guards wearing nightmare fuel masks with black holes in them. Why?
  • :scream: Speaking of nightmare fuel, Moogies. Or as i like to call them; Freaky furry bat demons from hell. They went up to me while i was sleeping the cart and asked me if i’m feeling better, and the other one gets drunk. No i’m not feeling better, you’re making me feel worse, go away!! we can’t stop here! this is Moogle country!! :grimacing:
  • :+1: However still on the topic of story, best visually impressive and confusing intros to a game ever. And i don’t mean that as a bad thing. It was fun trying to wonder what in the heck is happening here, with the dragon bursting out of the red sun, everybody turning into weird cat people after, and my lalafell ending up in space (And looking fabulous mind you. :smirk:) fighting against dark cloak man . Honestly, it reminds me of my experience with playing Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain for the first time. :slight_smile:
  • :+1: Going back to what i’ve said, i like the archer class quest where it’s about your class, targeting at afar and such. Sure, it’s just “Click on this thing and auto-attack until it dies”, but it’s a neat cool little touch.
  • :-1: However, what’s the big idea of locking rogues until level 10? Oi! Squenix! :angry: :dagger:
  • :point_right: I appreciate the game has a more cinematic conversations camera like in SWTOR, honestly, all MMO’s should have that, but i really wish this game has voice acting from the beginning.
  • :+1: This game has a LOT of options in the menu. Perhaps the most i’ve ever seen in an MMO to date. It really did made me miss WoW’s abundance of Options dearly. :frowning:
  • :point_right: I don’t hate the combat. It’s nothing spectacular, it’s pretty standard MMO affair to give you slow combat at the beginning with only one spell and auto attack. I just wish the GCD wasn’t 2.0 seconds but that’s my struggle.
  • :+1: I like the XP combo in this too that incentivizes speed killing.
  • :+1: Graphics are pretty nice for the most part. Especially the forest i first came in. I didn’t even mind the xbox 360 etse fidelity that is going on. You know, the kinds of sort where back in 2006, you were like “Wow this looks like real life!” then 10 years later, you were like “…what was i thinking when i said that?” after taking another look.
  • :point_right: Art Style, ehh…
  • :-1: Invisible Walls. I know to some this is really minor, but it does hinder on my immersion if i can’t jump off of cliffs and die or plummet into the water below. JUST LET ME JUMP AND FALL TO MY DOOM!!! :tired_face:
  • :+1: :-1: I love the extensive character customization. Just wish the races are actually diverse, like in WoW. :confused:
  • :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I don’t know much about Final fantasy, but why the menus and such (When i booted the game) are sci-fi looking? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

One of the most constructive breakdowns I’ve seen about the game👍. It is a fun game but only if it has the content or features you enjoy in an MMO.

I enjoy it but I don’t think it’s worth the hype some make it out to be since it doesn’t bring anything new to the table.

When I started venturing outside of WoW, I got to realize what was out there and got excited for the things WoW doesn’t have.

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People pitch it poorly. You can’t try to sell it to WoW players based on how it directly compares to WoW. WoW will always be king of the endgame loot treadmill - FFXIV does not compare, at all, even if you tend to agree with Square’s overall design philosophy.