My post was deleted for no good reason?

I made a post asking if someone would ask a couple of questions at the blizcon Q&A and it was removed after without a reason?

All I asked was if someone would ask what blizzard plans to do about premade epic battlegrounds and

what blizzard plans to do about all the cheaters, botters and scripters in solo shuffle, and my post was removed?

Can I get an actual reason why my post was deleted by mods pleasE? Thank you


Idk about your thread, but the Blizzcon questions are always kinda, uhh, curated lol.

As far as I know, they don’t ask strangers Blizzcon questions anymore after the “out-of-season April Fool’s joke” thing that happened during Diablo Immortal’s announcement.

They only seem to ask very specific content creators lately, kinda already knowing what sorts of ‘safe’ things they’re gonna ask.

They don’t need a reason to delete your thread. It’s their forums.

You mean this thread? From 3 hours ago? It’s not deleted or shadowed…


Out-of-season April Fool’s Joke? Care to elaborate?

Basically, it was a PR disaster, birthed the “Don’t you guys have phones?” meme.

Terrible for PC gaming company to announce a new Diablo title, a game that’s always been on PC, getting them excited for what they thought was a new Diablo PC game, only to have expectations shattered.

To add insult to injury, it wasn’t even good. It was mostly a predatory cash shop gacha game.


…4 years ago? :sob: No way.


firstly two things

posting/asking about deleted/locked threads on the forums is a no no

2nd- gms dont exist on the forums nor do the moderation team have posting accounts.

its possible your posts were misflagged and removed by human gms that respond to such flags but even then it must have registered to their systems that removal was necessary.

It’s still there as far as I can see, it just got bumped down the forum because no one cared.

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You could hear some of those boo’s from across the convention center.


devs do have posting accounts though.


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how do you know?

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here ya go.

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