i move my player frame to a spot i like it but every so often it resets to the top left corner and i have to go in and redo my layout in my folder from the wow interface can some one help me out
Happening to me too, I’ve read its a default ui issue and not related to any addons. So hopefully they fix it very soon. Very annoying.
Mention that it’s speeding up your gameplay and making you level faster. Will be fixed within the hour
lol that had me laughing
Would anyone like addon suggestions
no thanks when i make a script i go to wow addons and make my simple ones
If you make your own then it isn’t too difficult to make one that places your player frame where you want it each time you login
It would be something like this
You make your own excellent! I was thinking “I can just tell him to make an addon to put his player frame where he wants it” but then thought that might be a bit much for someone who has never made an addon.
local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, arg)
if arg then
PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 120, 150)
yeah that is some what exact to mine
From what you describe in the OP it sounds like the layout-local file isn’t being read or is resetting when you logout, if your addon is written like the code I posted that shouldn’t affect you since you are explicitly telling the game where to put the frame.
My only guess would be if your addon is just the bit of code inside the function like above
PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 120, 150)
then it may fire too early and get overwritten during the login process.
It happens mostly when going in and out of vehicles, and I use SetPoint. There are older threads… Player Frame Disappearing After Getting into Vehicles
It doesn’t happen when I log in though. It happens whenever player frame gets replaced by an NPC or a vehicle. An example I have is when I was running spire dungeon last night when the angles pick me up my player frame immediataly goes back to the default position. Will your script cover this situation?
usually happens when blizz is screwing around with interfacing where they change the programming of the addon folder if they see hackers and gold farmers using addon bots
Yeah I had to do some testing earlier for another issue. If you make no changes everything is fine (of course)
If you move it and hop into a vehicle then it resets
What I posted above won’t stop that from happening but it could be modified to
By breaking the function that moves the player frame
local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, arg)
if arg then
PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
PlayerFrame.SetPoint = function() end
but this could cause other problems, I would suggest just waiting for it to be fixed.
Crazy this is getting no visibility. It is happening to nearly everybody I know. Upon entering a vehicle the player frame is reset, default frames included.
So let me lend a helping hand to everybody.
Every time a vehicle resets my player frame… I get this odd effect where my experience gained is increased by 10% and it stacks. So since my player frame resets so much, I have like 10000% xp gain right now on my allied race alts.
I hope you can fix the resetting player frame soon as I am leveling way too fast.
I recommend using the addon, “Move Anything”, to move your UI elements. You won’t have problems.
This is not true. Addons or no addons, the player frame resets everytime you enter a vehicle. The fact is… you have to move it back EVERYTIME. No addon can overcome this.
Please fix.
Same thing similarly happens to me. It doesn’t reset on EVERY vehicle I enter, but about 25% of the time when I do enter one, it will reset. Typically I have to fix my frame daily. Not sure why this has no visibility as this is occurring for most players.
Same happening to me. I thought it was an addon but guess not?
I don’t understand why the developers have ignored this. Bug report forum. In game reports. Multiple reports. I know there are a ton of competing issues but a bug such as this that affects moment-to-moment gameplay like a UI element… you’d think would have priority.
Sir, can I take this time to tell you about our lord and savior, Z-Perl Unitframes?