Hand slot: Metamorphosis.
Leg slot: Everlasting Affliction
Chest slot: Master Channeler.
At level 25 i’ll have the following Talents: Maxed out Demonic Embrace, Maxed out Imp corruption, Maxed out imp life tap, and Suppression up to four.
Next, I’ll get Suppression maxed out, then max out Imp Drain Life, then max out Grim Reach, then grab Amp Curse, then grab Siphon Life, then Curse of Exhaustion, then max out Imp Curse of Exhaustion.
With these talents and runes at level 40, I’ll have a balanced character ready for both pve and pvp.
What are your plans for Phase 2?
Edit: the goal with this build is to go for Curse of Exhaustion, which is useful both in pve to keep humanoids from running away while tanking, and in pvp to keep your targets from running away as well.
this is why I avoid imp Curse of Agony, since I won’t be using it, and with rune of Master Channeler, Fel Concentration isn’t nessicary.
Edit2: at level 40 one could trade Demonic Embrace for Shadow Mastery for imp self healing, I suppose.