My personal experience as a TANK

Before I start let me say I have a Paladin, a DK and a Druid, all 3 are tanks.
I can handle dungeons fine, heroics also fine and I started doing M+ back in Shadowlands.
I am not the type of player that hate opinions in fact I enjoy as much tips as possible of how to better tank and avoid stuff.
BUT, even using my keys as a way to learn mechanics and dont waste other ppl stuff with my mistakes almost all the tine I get called all kinds of names, dps keep pulling crap before I do because “it is taking to much time to finish” and as much as I try to keep everyone alive in the chaos I fail.

I am seeing a lot of threads about tank shortage, M+ vs Delves, and to be fair I am happy I can do Delves now with my tanks because if I made a mistake at least I get only frustraded with myself and dont need to read a lot of diferent insults.

But the irony is sometimes the ppl calling me variants of “the world worse player of all time” say they have tanks and perform better them I do, I mean come on, if you have a tank you must have been in my spot before dont you?! Or am I supose to belive you enjoy all this kind of crap and because you like it so.much you pass it foward?!

So yeah, I could be one more tank out there most of my play time but because of all of what was said above when I do play with my tanks I keep as solo as possible.

What is a shame because I would like to do more as a tank.


The problem is as a tank or a healer for that matter, you don’t have the luxury of learning in keys. If you fail the group fails.


I feel this. I have 3 pally tanks and 3 druid tanks and refuse to tank outside of Guild runs, cept maybe if we all do LFR. The absolute abuse from DPS and Heals when trying to learn mechanics is just unnecessary. Not all of us learn by watching it on YT. Some of us learn by listening and doing it ourselves. I am sorry this is even a thing. :yellow_heart:


You can report those players. Like, if they want to go down that road, report them, ignore them, and add the good players to friends list to keep incase wanting to do future content with.

Don’t let others bring you down from doing content.


I can do all that, usually I do, but the insults are already done and I am already felling like crap and wanting to avoid all kind of interactions.
And since it happens so offten its kinda tiresome to keep trying.


I know the pain.


Thats why I try to learn using my keys.


that’s why i am always reluctant to do higher keys . for higher than m+4 you need an organized group in discord comms. everything else is just painful


Wait what? NEED? NO NO NO you’re absolutely wrong.

let me rephrase it , if you want to have good time and actually learn , it’s better with organized group with comms


Learning is for the Beta/PTR. For release, I’d suggest reading the dungeon journal, reading some guides, and watching some youtube videos of people who did the work in Beta/PTR to learn. I never set foot into M+ as a tank until I have everything planned out, have a good route, know the pulls, etc. Put in the work and you can be successful and have a good time without an organized group with comms.

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This is what you need to do. M+ is a timed activity. Nobody expects you to do it with your eyes closed, but having gone through the dungeon on normal/heroic to see where the packs are located, studying a general route (raider io posts routes you can use/adapt) and when you then step into M+ as a tank, you have some preparation. I’ve tanked for years in M+, maybe not so much in TWW so far but what the poster is describing just doesn’t happen. Maybe once in an expansion.

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The biggest problem isn’t that tanks and healers ned to learn, it’s that DPS love standing in the bad, running out of healing circles as fast as they can, refuse to use defensives, they will pull agro from all over the map, refuse to bring it to the tank, continue to focus on a boss over the adds, mechanics are optional… apparently.

90% of the time when a M+ fails it’s because of a DPS looking to be hard carried while they try their very best to fail.


As stated above, tanks don’t have the luxury of learning during the key because they’re expected to know everything already, which isn’t always the case.

Learning routes and which mobs in trash packs to focus down is most of what you’ll want to look into to make runs go smoother.

If you haven’t maybe consider noting somewhere in your key application that this is a learning group and may not finish in time.

While I do all the other things you suggest, I just wanted to ask why you consider PTR as the place to learn? I suppose if you’re all about optimizing your game play, that makes sense but some people don’t touch the PTR so they can experience the game we’re given and not help test things.

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If you’re planning to hit the ground running day 1 and push hard, the PTR is a great place to do your planning / testing at as you get to do so with a geared character. This is primarily for the people who you watch on youtube to learn routes. This wouldn’t apply to the vast majority of the player base. But the tanks I watch on youtube/twitch for routes / strategies all do.

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That’s fair, and I didn’t consider the geared up part of being in PTR.

Since we’re talking about it, do you happen to have some up to date tanking resources for keystones? All the sources I have are outdated.

If anyone has some resources, please chime in!

There are spec guides on wowhead and icy veins, and they also have dungeon overviews. Content creators such as Quazii and Tactyks provide good content for tanks to learn the dungeons (and their specs). There are addons that help you plan a route. Websites such as raider io posts weekly “default” routes that are “fine”. You can import them into your addon and tweak to your liking.


People on the internet lie sometimes.

That’s the thing. You can still do it if one DPS is bad. You can’t do it if either the tank or healer is bad.

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I use my keys to learn.
While I do enjoy content creators and Wowhead (I am from thotbot era btw) NO ONE SHOULD NEED OUTSIDE GAME SOURCE OR MATERIAL to do anything inside this game, this is something absurd someone said once and a very special kind of ppl think this is relevant and should be done OR WORSE, use it as a escuse to abuse and do harassment over others.
This community is so terrible that, aparently, we have created escuses to be or to back up horrible behavior from terrible ppl.
Keep it up… enhoy your queues geting bigger and bigger.