My Pandaran Monk

So I decided to restore a old Pandaran Monk from the depths of the Deletion realm.

She has undertaken the task of acting as a Guild Bank for my other characters. Even has a French guild name.

She was created on the Wyrmrest Accord realm and so for so good except for one issue.

She is seeing that Trade Chat is on channel 1, while the rest of my characters are seeing Trade Chat on channel 2.

I do not understand what is going on, nor do I know how to fix it.

Any suggestions?

Try a chat reset with the command


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Thanks, I will try that next time I log into her.

Well I Tried that , It did not work. So…

I changed…and made…


Then logged back into the game. Still did not fix it.

I also went outside Org and saw…{ Left Channel 1. Trade-City}

There was no message for General or the other channels.

Went back into Org…saw [Changed Channel 1. Trade - City]

Nothing again on the other channels.

This is confusing me to no end.

I cannot even do a /G to get to my guild channel, on that character.

It may be TRP or another add-on.

Right-click on your chat tab, click on Settings

Click Channels on the left side bar. It’ll show you what channels are what.

Left-click on the channel you want to move, and drag it to the position you want it to be. If it’s TRP or one of those, it’s likely a broadcast channel to communicate with others who share the add-on. You may just need to drag it to the bottom of your list, and everything else will be corrected.


Wait - you can do that?

/mind blown

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Yup! I don’t know when that was implemented, but when I roll new characters, I always have to fix my channels due to the add-on broadcast channel throwing everything out of whack. Used to be convoluted leaving and rejoining to get everything like I like it, but you can drag the channels now!