My old characters are gone

I haven’t played World of Warcraft in ~8 years. I recently bought some game time to try out Classic. I figured I’d install the full version of the game too and check it out, but my original characters are gone. I have 2 low level characters on my account that I vaguely remember creating, but I know for a fact that I have a level 80 warlock named Liitz on the Moonrunner realm. Can I get this character back?


Edit: Never mind, I found it! For some reason the game client did not list that I had characters on Monnrunner, but when I logged into the realm my characters were there.


Glad we could help!



The character count on the realm selection list eventually goes away on accounts that have not been payed for some time.

You can often find out what realms you have characters on by logging in to and initiating a character transfer. That will display a list of characters to select and the realms they are on. You can then exit out of the character transfer.

At some point however, that method won’t work for accounts that have been inactive for a very long time. I suspect 8 years may be too long for it but don’t really know what the cut off might be,

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