Give me 1-2 words at least 10 characters in length so that I may craft a new personality.
After I have crafted my new persona, I will finally once and for all tell the god honest truth about whether I have seen the Lion King or not and I vow to not bring it up for the rest of this year.
Don’t worry G, I’ll start anew again like you. I’m here to help.
Nonchalant and supportive.
ham + horse. go for it. go wild!!
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Pike and shot, you’re now a fifteenth century infantry formation.
You all know the Lion King, now get ready for…
Tiger Baron
Penquins. Well, one puppet one in specific. Mr. Flibble. A cookie if you know the reference.
I don’t do that kind of thing. Links might give me information and I’m an American.
Which one are you? I can’t remember
upset homeowner
think sharon from the HoA
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notoriously ill-tempered hog farmer.
Suggestions will be considered based on how many times they are posted.
old man eerily obsessed with lifelike topiary.
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Reminds me of a What we do in the Shadows episode.
a large sack of flour that secretly harbors a family of mice, all of whom are named after types of cookie.
With the birth of the Gwyneth Persona, thou hath obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
1-2 words
Because calling chicken burgers sandwiches is dumb and I don’t care who knows it. #Straya
Make-Out Champion of the Swamp of Sorrows Annual Smoochlympics.
I’m staunchly anti-Olympics.
Lord Beef Bowl, Scourge of Ten Buffets.