I was going to point to a different section of that article:
Under “Consequences of a transfer”
- If your character’s name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost. This is applicable when you transfer a character to another WoW account while remaining in the same realm
When a character is deleted, the name is reserved for the account that the character was deleted on. A character transfer basically deletes the original version of your character and creates a copy of that character on the new realm.
So in your situation:
WOW1 (Source)
- Realm A
– Character deleted by transfer
— Name is reserved on WOW1, Realm A
WOW2 (Destination)
- Realm A
– Character copy arrives
– Character copy needs a new name, the name is reserved by WOW1.
I hope that makes sense. Game Masters cannot remove the reservation. Something that might be able to offer is a free name change in 30 days when the reservation on “WOW1” expires. You’d want to submit a ticket at that time to make the request.