Got my Hunter in bonechewer name changed when I transferred the character to my other WoW account on the same server, and ticket system is broken, I can’t open my tickets to reply to the GM’s.
And I can’t even type links to show what the problem is in support page.
Names are account based, so when you transfer from one account to another, even on the same server, I believe it locked the name to the original account, especially if you happened to move across blizzard accounts.
I have to ask though, did you try just using the same name?
Yes I tried to login and I was prompted to change my name, I type the original name and was informed that name was already taken.
You could try to ask by ticket here.
But if you moved different accounts it most likely is locked.
I have a pending ticket which I couldn’t access in firefox, but solved it by using Microsoft edge.
Yes I moved different Wow accounts on the same server, I wanted to consolidate my characters into one account. So if it is locked, support can still help me right?
I don’t want to be forced to change my name to something then forced to buy name change to return it to my original name.
You will have to wait on the ticket, but I think you may be able to keep your name. There was another thread somewhere in this forum about that recently. I’ll try to find it and post it here.
EDIT: Character Name Was Changed During Account Transfer - #3 by Wuz-shadow-council
Thanks a lot man, gonna wait for my ticket.
My issue is a little different, since I transferred to a different wow account in a different blizzard account. XD
In that case it’s a bit of a wait.
Character Transfer Information and Restrictions
When transferring to another Blizzard account
- You won’t be able to change your character’s name for 90 days
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I was going to point to a different section of that article:
Under “Consequences of a transfer”
- If your character’s name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost. This is applicable when you transfer a character to another WoW account while remaining in the same realm
When a character is deleted, the name is reserved for the account that the character was deleted on. A character transfer basically deletes the original version of your character and creates a copy of that character on the new realm.
So in your situation:
WOW1 (Source)
- Realm A
– Character deleted by transfer
— Name is reserved on WOW1, Realm A
WOW2 (Destination)
- Realm A
– Character copy arrives
– Character copy needs a new name, the name is reserved by WOW1.
I hope that makes sense. Game Masters cannot remove the reservation. Something that might be able to offer is a free name change in 30 days when the reservation on “WOW1” expires. You’d want to submit a ticket at that time to make the request.
I see, I understand now. thank you.
I was worried I needed to pay to get my original name. 
I will wait for 30 days then. Closing my ticket then.
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