My main worry is we'll never get small things again

You should be, as they said as much.
I am only 99 percent sure though. I would not be surprised if they changed their minds on that for some reason.

But as I mentioned, it is quite nice still using the Heart of Azeroth.
I can see a similar situation with covenants.
Should at least make Shadowlands soloable earlier for those still having trouble with all that.

Blizzard or are you not up to date on this.

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meanwhile, FF14 has a notoriety about content droughts
oh wait…forgot, the devs do that to encourage you to take breaks…
that’s it, it’s just not Japanese PR talk so that they don’t come off as encouraging unhealthy gaming habits (in a country that’s been cracking down on gaming behavior)

They said no more customization for the expansion during the Q & A at Blizzcon online back in Feb.


So long drought in FF = good because you can take a break.

People can’t just take a break from WoW?

I dont want long content droughts either but its pretty easy to walk away for a bit when you’re bored. With WoW or any other game.

If there is customization in game that domination slot in my belt could house a regular gem that isn’t so.

There must be some confusion as there has been enormous amounts of what I would consider customization in the last 2 patches.
You might be thinking very specifically, where I am thinking more generally.

You are talking about racial customization specifically? I am not, sorry for the confusion.
Regardless, that was recent enough to be discussed, so not sure what led to the confusion in the first place. We ARE talking about Shadowlands right?

Oh no! I love all the small things.

Small things like amber seeds ,< this small was a good story.

I won’t spoil, but I will say it was nice to have certain NPC’s actually tank effectively instead of hitting for 10 dps and aggro’ing everything to me. lol


LOL,you are lost in the whirling cosmic confusion for sure.


That’s interesting. Legion, BFA, and SL feel like they have massively, massively more “small things” than the original lineup of expansions, to actually an insane degree.

This type of arguing tactic is called pilpul and its easy to spot, instead of actually responding to the issues, the pilpul user changes the argument to be about the semantics and definitions of what is being discussed - side stepping the actual issues people are bringing and derailing the discussion into one about “what the definition of IS is” tier nonsense. How are you a MVP. LOL.


This is poignant.

I can’t speak to PvP. But the idea of “having time for the little things” I think is germane. Things besides “yet more mounts”. “Fun” little “do once” events, scattered about in the world. Passion projects from the internal devs (like the roller coaster). Silly little quests.

The idea that the power systems require “too much baby sitting” seems spot on. They seem to lack bandwidth.

Let’s look at gear this expansion. I’m convinced that they have a single piece of gear for each slot for each material (cloth, leather, etc.) and MAYBE a recolor…and that’s it.

The weapon I got from Korthia is the same that dropped as a green in Bastion when I started. Just a different iLevel. I remember back in Wrath getting the Void Axe from the Amphitheater quest. A blue weapon, unique in every way.

Now it’s all generic stuff with a knob that says “iLevel”.

Transmog is not a “solution” to this issue. It’s just “not fun” to get the same gear over and over and over.

And to me that’s just an indicator, like I said, of bandwidth. You’d think there’d be an entire little group dedicated to nothing but creating more axes, hats, boots, belts, bows, etc. The game has an insatiable hunger for such things. Yet, here we are.


99% sure they won’t remove covenant soulbinds, covenant abilities and renown? This is either the most disingenuous or naive post ever posted on the WOW forums.


We were the target audience.

We aren’t anymore.

That’s difficult to swallow.


It’s been less than three weeks and you’re already worried about 9.2?

Small things like an ability that is different than the ones we normally have like for 5 sec you transform a npc you are fighting into a rabbit would help in boredom or change it a different color effect< small things.

Dang it ,still haven’t got the purple dye I can throw only on me.

im what you would call a part of the “esports crowd” but even i and many others can recognize that these systems really are not good for the gaming

they make balancing an absolute nightmare, and i would much rather they spend dev time making more dungeons for me to grind in m+ than balancing systems that arent that good anyways