My main worry is we'll never get small things again

Who cares? The season literally just started.

Correct, as it is exemplary of the issue.
The game can not be developed to suit everyone’s interest uniformly.

Find the things you enjoy, and stop demanding they make things how you want, and you will be happier automatically.

But I suppose anyone worried about 9.2 before 9.1’s progression race is more than half way over is not going to be happy no matter what, huh?

Ya, I imagine that is why they are trying to find ways to let it stay in the game for good.
Don’t worry about the power stuff.
Its mostly player-made concern.
People hyper focus on small imbalances yet fail to see the big picture.

That said, the power is there because it is what drives players through the systems.
It has to be woven well, and I think it has been this expansion.

Legion is a good example to learn from though for sure.
Hopefully we never have that issue again with all that being removed.

Seems to be that Shadowlands will be the first expansion where all the stuff that’s there will still be there for years to come.
Or so they say.

I agree, the smallest things are the best in game,even a small off story .


I’m one of those “casuals” that doesn’t really worry about player power all that much, at least in regards to being powerful…if that makes any sense.

My complaint is more about the fun stuff that comes with the power, like my 2 Venthyr powers. I don’t want to keep them because they give me power, I want to keep them because they look cool when casting and they’re fun. :smiley:

But, if they do somehow find a way to stop giving us stuff and then taking it away, that would certainly make the game better, imo. So, I hope you’re right about that.

For sure, I legit picked my covenant because of how cool the Night Fae stuff looked haha. Apparently its the worst one for Blood, but it has not stopped me at all!

Look good, play good, as they say.

But ya, Blizzard has said that they intend to allow all the Shadowlands stuff to stay, and it will only be active in Shadowlands.
Seemingly going as far as to extend that to the new Raid domination sockets.
Like they will stay, and only work for that raid and stuff.

They actually did this at the very last minute with BFA too.
The heart of Azeroth still works fully. All the essences are there and still collectable.

They removed some achievements though.
But ya, you can use the heart for soloing old raids and old content in general.

Its very powerful and all still in the game without hindering max level progression!

Same thing SHOULD happen with shadowlands. We will see if that’s true.

I just want to keep my soulshape ability.
I will be so sad if they removed it.
Its the best thing ever.

But im 95% certain its gone after shadowlands


In truth,the only thing that carries over from expansion to expansion is the player everything else is gone,except mounts ,collectables ( well some wouldn’t like water striding),etc.

Yes, and I can see why they wouldn’t necessarily want us to keep the “power” spell. But, having the soulshape, and your little steward, and door of shadows and stuff…it’d be nice to be able to keep that outside of Shadowlands.

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This right here .

It feels like so much time is put into fixing the systems by adding more systems each patch . This was supposed to be the expansion where they were not going to add any more but this patch we now get domination gear with gems making up new systems depending on what 3 like gems you socket in certain pieces.

If they are going to keep with the systems I would prefer they get it all out at the start and get it right by listening to the feed back from the people that are testing it for them .

No more of this " we want everyone to see it first" bs . Why even have a Alph/Beta/PTR if it is just going to go out being possibly broken because they want those not willing to take the time to do testing make sure the game is good see it before they admit there are problems.

I would like them to just put the systems out to a point where I as a player don’t have to worry that I won’t feel like I can play how I enjoy playing . I want the systems to the point that when a new patch comes out it isn’t about building on the system but the patch is about a more dynamic story where I’m not done with the story in a month or 2 but where the quests for the story extend the life of the patch .

I want the story to not just lead up to the raid but expand on after there to give hints of what is to come .

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I wish they would as well.

And they could have easily done that if not for the necrolords. They just had to give them a powerful shield

Yeah, Metrohaha is one of the biggest blind blizzard supporters here. Every now and then he has to say something to make it look like he isn’t completely devoted but you know they are really drawing for some short straws to get to that point.


Hmm, you know they could blend the systems transfer them into the next in next expansion to help the player understand them better since they are working ahead in advance,that way the can get feed back on the run then they don’t need a ptr.

Hilarious post. 11/10 joke. Well meme’d. 5/5 gold stars! you should have your own comedy central special! NO! an HBO comedy special! you’re friggen hilarious!

Shadowslands. Best. LOL. two words in the same sentence that will make anyone burst out laughing and piss themselves. You are truly the next Amy Schumer! top tier comedy!


IDK, man. If you’re a progression player, yeah? But there’s so much to do in 9.1. There’s a new story every week if you keep up with it, and these first two were really good.

Shadowlands has a lot going on, I think it’s just not interesting to many who were invested in the earlier stuff. Like, I don’t really care for the theme of this expansion at all, so it made it hard to get into. But as far as content goes, there’s a lot of it.

There are many mounts to get, many pets. There’s some xmog to get. Maybe there’s more than it feels, but outside of the covenant stuff I don’t really see anything great, personally. But there is a bit of it, even if I don’t appreciate most of the aesthetics.

As for PVP, I don’t have a dog in that race, but it does sound neglected. When was the last time they added maps and game modes? Brawls were neat when I did them, but PVP feels like they stuck you with the same raid environment for the last 15 years or so.

But there is a lot to do here outside of M+ and raid.

Which expansion has added more customization features in two consecutive patches?
Were you a big fan of 6.1 maybe?

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Uhm,what customization? They said we wouldn’t be getting any this expanse .

Huh? Who is they?

Yea I am sure anima, domination sockets, our renown, covenant abilities, soulbinds, legendary system, etc, etc will be there for years to come and not swept away and deleted or “greyed out” by the next expansion. I’m 100% sure that won’t happen!


I’d really love to see a fishing system like that return again. Though maybe balancing out the bait a bit more because alot of the bait was dang near pointless for anything but getting the achievement, and then you had things like sleeping murloc that racked up the ap gains super fast.