My main character its missing from armory

HELP got name change and now im not able to find my character, cant apply to any content becouse no one can track my progress ect

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Known issue. You can try a couple of things, but I’d keep your expectations low.

Log out of the forums completely, then log back in. If that doesn’t work, try changing your password. If neither of those work? Then it’s just a matter of waiting for it to update. There is no rhyme or reason when this happens, and there is no way to push it through as the armory kind of operates on a mind of it’s own.

Please make sure to post on the Website Bug Forum. The more data they have, the better pool of data they’ve got to work on finding what the issue is to try and get it rectified. But be mindful that those forums are one-way communication, you’re not going to get a response. Unfortunately, this is really affecting a lot of folks, but it’s not necessarily a game-breaking issue. Blizzard could decide to break the API tomorrow and all of those third-party sites would be moot. That players depend on these third-party sites isn’t really Blizzard’s issue, one can still log into their character and play the game without them.

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thx appreciate it

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