My level 80 can no longer fly

My character can no longer fly in World of Warcraft on the Tanaris server. I leveled him to 80 with no issues with flying at all. Two days ago, I signed in keep receiving the error message that I cannot fly in that zone. I’ve flown in every zone. I’ve tried dragon mounts and normal mounts. I logged out and in. I’ve signed out and in. I’ve disabled all addons. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Still the same issues, only now my addons are all unfunctionable. None of the dragon riding controls work. I can double tap the space bar and lift up, but nothing else. Some coasting abilities, but then free fall. I’m super frustrated and don’t know what else to try.

Do u have patfhinder for TWW thats required for reg flying.

Looks like u still need pathfinder other wise ur stuck with dragon riding.


I don’t think so, though you might help me understand exactly what you mean. I’m mainly confused because everything was set up exactly the same one day to the next, then just no flying.

In which zone(s) is the issue happening? Which mount(s) have you tried? What is your flight status (i.e., is it set to Steady Flight or Skyriding)?


Try switching over from steady flying to skyriding. You need the War Within Pathfinder achievement to unlock steady riding in the War Within zones.


In all zones in The War Within. I’m currently in Hallowfall. I also tried in Stormwind with the same results. I’ve not gone through my entire list of mounts, but the ones I normally use are a mixture of a dragon, but mostly older mounts, and none had issues before.

Try a proper reset disabling or uninstalling or even reinstalling teh game mite not fix a corrupted ui.


I did have skyriding selected throughout. I 've gotten used to it over the last couple of expansions, still not great at it. xD. So do I still need the Pathfinder achievement to skyride, and if so, why was it working before?

On your buff bar does it show Steady Flight or Skyriding?

I actually don’t remember seeing either of those icons on my buff bar. BTW, thank you so much to all of you folks for reaching out to try and help.

The Pathfinder achievement for The War Within (TWW) expansion enables the ability to use Steady Flight in TWW zones. Without the achievement, a player is restricted to Skyriding only while in those zones.

Please note, there are certain mounts that do NOT have the ability to Skyride and thus are only usable while Steady Flight is enabled.

You can change your flight type via the ability in your Mount Journal or Spellbook. The ability can also be dragged to your action bars for easier access.

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No, it is to just unlock steady flight in the War Within zones, how ever…

Have you tried relogging. Sometimes that is all it takes. If that doesn’t work, try and do what Darthwraith has suggested, try resetting the WoW User Interface.

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The Pathfinder achievement for The War Within (TWW) expansion enables the ability to use Steady Flight in TWW zones. Without the achievement, a player is restricted to Skyriding only while in those zones.

Thank you for that, Kyzera. I did log in and neither of those icons are in my buff bar.

I’m going to try reset the UI according to what Darthwraith posted above and see how that goes.