My Issue with WoW

mmmmm…now Im in the mood to grill a burger. :hamburger:

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I got grouched at by a manager for pointing out that “team” is the palindrome for “meat”.


Based on some of the sociopathic behavior in this game, I would agree some of them seem to think everyone else is just an NPC, lol

Literally seen them telling others to self harm in this game.
Degenerate behavior.

I didnt know that guilds would have the same sorts. I figured that kind of malcontent would be evicted immediately to keep their stench off the guilds good name.
Guess I was wrong

Unless you’re completely clueless , there is an I in team. its the A hole, so if you hadn’t realised it… congrats. your in the same club as 1 in every 2 people are being made fun of, if you cant tell which, guess what.

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Meat grinder. That’s why.

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that manager was the cheerleader sort…pompoms flailing about.
Irony was, when they needed to cut back, he was the first one gone.
Guess the toxic positivity made him expendable, lol

Mods can ban me, all of you can disagree, but nothing can point out the change in community thay once tried to save a life and now it tells them to take it. If that isnt a toxic community i dont know what is.

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It has?


i have not seen someone kicked without a reason also once i had an afk healer in time walking we said if they are not back by time we hit the first boss was a vote to kick they showed up with 2-3 mobs left before the boss. their pup had to go bathroom break lol

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Am I the only one who noticed this? Are you okay, OP?

In a heroic dungeon, the tank should survive without any heals ever. Even in m+10s I don’t have to heal most good tanks and am just there to whack-a-mole heal the dps. Don’t blame your healer for you dying as the tank in a heroic dungeon.

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There were two other threads this week same topic.

Before that there were no less than a half dozen topics crying about early access.

Then there were lord knows how many mad about flying.

One thing that’s annoying about wow is people can’t consolidate issues into a single thread and it once it’s been talked about — just move on.

If you hate solo. Don’t play solo.

Wasn’t that easy?


No, I saw it. The 2 words prior to the “I wish” is what prompted me to flag. That next part that is written is all for drama imho.

@op: you can always be proactive. If you don’t say anything first, don’t be surprised if people treat you like an NPC.

Just a simple “Hey guys, I’m a bad judge of pacing so if you think i’m going to slow or too fast, let me know and I’ll adjust.” Will probably take care a majority of votekicks.

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I disgust you? Hmm, I’ve never met you. But ok, you can generalize everyone, it really helps your ‘argument’.

Nothing prevents you from making friends or joining a guild like the old days. Nothing except your own actions are making the game feel this way. You don’t have to rely on the LFD tool, you know?

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In this huge MMORPG that I’ve placed since 2008, I’ve never felt more alone in-game than I do now. I reminisce about running the last of vanilla and the first of BC content, and the fun times with being a guild member during BC and WotLK content. Oh how much fun it was back then!

Fond, memories…

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

It’s why so many moved to classic. Classic is for the most part a very community driven game. Grobbulus server on cata classic is a prime example.

he’s not wrong.