My issue with PVP

You just sound like a healthy, well-adjusted individual whose IRL demeanor is not subsumed by a temporary, fictional online persona. You’re probably also largely honest and earnest in your online forum postings and don’t adopt postures you never usually would just because of the safety veil of anonymity.


I never feel bad about what I do with open-world PVP because I have a moral code. I only kill those who are acting in such a way that they deserve to be dealt with.

If I see a person trotting along, minding their own business and not hurting others then I wave and move along. No matter the faction.

On the other hand, if they are attacking someone much weaker or messing with quest NPCs or just being antisocial in some egregious manner then I have no problems stepping in and joining the fight. Even if I’m a bit outmatched.

So my conscious is clean. I’m sure mistakes have been made and if I find out that I was wrong about the situation then I’ll try to make amends. On the other hand I’ll often help out people that are struggling with a quest or a mob, no matter what side they are on.

These are real people on the other side of those player characters. They are trying to get stuff done, just like you are. To ignore that and harm them is indulging in antisocial behavior, a sign of being a sociopath.

Honestly, I find the faction split to be so artificial and I wish it was changed (in retail, of course). Sometimes I want to help or hinder a person no matter which faction each of us is running and the faction split just gets in the way of a better game. I don’t mean that we should remove the war, just remove the artificial barrier to choosing sides, communicating with others, and being able to PVP.

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Think about it like most other competitive actions. Like a came of football(Soccer). Are you going to go to everyone on the other team and apologize for scoring or winning a game? The point of the game is to win. In WoW’s pvp, it’s to kill the other person. As long as you aren’t camping them or disallowing them to play the game, you have nothing to feel bad about. Just remember. Killing someone is just scoring a goal.

Oh, I completely get where you’re coming, I have friends like you who are just too nice of a human being.

On the other hand you have A-h0lz like me who will gank you nonstop in a low level area while I am maxed.

No. No. No. and all the more no.

Yup, real people. That’s all I can give you in that paragraph. If they’re in a position to be attacked (Flagged in PvE server, or in contested zones on PvP server), there is NOTHING protecting them from having that happen. They are in that situation expecting that they can be attacked. Attacking a player in PvP is not related in the SLIGHTEST to sociopathic nature. Stop demonizing pvp. Or should I turn around and say that the inability to empathize that some people ENJOY playing the game that way is sociopathic? You don’t have to participate, so why trash talk people who legitimately enjoy wpvp? (No, not camping, killing quest givers, etc. Just gold, ol’ fashioned wpvp, where player attacks player for fun.)

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The more camped Horde the less scum to roam the server. :wink:

Definitely not just you. I loathe PvP in all its forms, for exactly the reasons you state. For me, losing isn’t fun, and winning feels like an empty victory at best.

This is why I hated it when the achievements and later legendary quest lines forced you to participate in battleground PvP. I didn’t want to be there, the regulars didn’t want me there, it wasn’t fun for anyone.

And don’t get me started about ganking and griefing. To me, both of those behaviors indicate some serious psychopathy, and the fact that they are played out in a game instead of (hopefully) real life is not that much of a mitigating factor. A bully is a bully, irl or virtually.

So, I plan to stay as far away from PvP servers as possible. Not my jam in any way, shape or form.

Why even play a MMO?

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Yes, I feel that way after inserting an Alliance flag in my enemy’s butt.

Camp or be camped. I see no problems there

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It makes you feel like a bully…

What did I just read

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This is possibly the most pathetic post I’ve ever read my dude.

Even an RP PVE server isn’t enough for you.

“A bully is a bully irl or virtual” lol give me a break.


I see a point where it comes that time is being wasted, but pvp is part of the game. Calling it bullying is that person admitting this game is not for them. Now if you always hunted that person down every day I could see it as an obsession. However, I don’t see a point in wasting that much game time on another player.

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This is not trash talking. There are different ways to world PVP, ones that don’t involve attacking people who don’t have the ability to fight back. Attacking someone much weaker than yourself is antisocial. Find someone who is a challenge and fight them.

I greatly enjoy world PVP, what I don’t do is gank. Ganking takes zero skill and is on the same level as stomping on ants or taking candy from a baby. People who gank should be put in their place. Go do an activity that takes skill, one where you have a serious risk of losing the battle.

Ganking is antisocial behavior, pure and simple. Own it if you’re going to do it and admit that you’re a sociopath.

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That’s rich, a soulless evil wizard that consorts with demons and condemns souls to eternal damnation calling others sociopaths.


Well here’s a take on it: If my wife played the game, she would feel that way. She tried out WoW way back in Vanilla days and she hated it - because she felt badly about the mob beasts she was expected to kill to fulfill quests.

I thought it was silly. It was silly, it is a game and nothing you do within the game can hurt anything. But, her feelings were real for her and that made them legitimate. So she quit playing.

If I were in your shoes, I would be a healer and be the very best healer I could be - saving my team at every opportunity.

Those of us who have a natural emotional distance between what we do in a game and how we would feel if we actually did such things in real life have a difficult time understanding those who can’t see it that way. Might as well examine yourself well and sort out what works for you.

Meanwhile: in game, I will kill you without hesitation.


Well, that’s just it, isn’t it? We’re told over and over that “hey, it’s the internet, get tough or get out.” What that translates to is “I get to act as horribly as I want, and you don’t get any say in it.”

Or “Why don’t you just gear up, get good, fight back?” translates once again to the person doing the griefing/ganking setting all the terms. They, in essence, get their way because you are forced to engage with them on their turf.

Sounds like being a bully to me.

How we treat each other, online as well as irl, matters. You yourself led off with an unnecessary insult, and that’s just taken as par for the course these days because of the innumerable trolls coarsening all online dialogue for years.

Of course, if someone rolls on a PvP server, well, this is indeed what they signed up for. Go nuts. I never have rolled on a PvP server, and never will.

I’m not saying we all have to join hands and sing kumbayah. I’m just saying that the person who finds pleasure in making other people angry or unhappy has issues.


Being an enabler makes you morally culpable.

Your original post spoke of wpvp in general. As well that ‘ganking’ is a term used simply for killing someone out in the world. And on top of that, killing a low level player as you pass by isn’t bad at all. Give 'em a shot and move on. It’s part of the world.

Secondly, and because it bothers me with all the improper terms being pushed around, ‘antisocial’ is not the word you’re looking for. If anything, the action of attacking someone in general, regardless of the power comparison, is a social action. You are acting in a way that puts you in contact with another living person. The definition of being social.

Ganking doesn’t make you a sociopath - especially with how you’re trying to define it. Killing another player in world pvp does not make you a sociopath. Insisting that every pvper is a sociopath and directly avoiding contact with a large group of people because of such, and smearing them on a forum without consideration is.

Until you get a grasp on how pvp works, I don’t think this is a valid statement. If you enjoyed World PvP, you wouldn’t trash talk it.

^This being a prime example of not really understanding world pvp. “Deserve do be dealt with”? Are you an arbiter of wpvp justice? They are flagged, thus are deserving of the consequences of being flagged. Just because he’s doing a quest or farming herbs. (Almost especially if they’re farming, cause maybe the ganker/whateveryouwanttocallthemnow wants the herb. Is he supposed to let the other player have it cause said player hasn’t killed a lowbie or NPC yet?

It’s really all just flawed PvP hate. Most often because people don’t understand the consequences of PvP servers or flagging up, and think that if they leave everyone be, that they’re entitled to safety in kind. That’s not how it works, and why PvE servers are a thing. Play there. Enjoy yourself. PvP servers don’t want that kind of whining for the sake of whining.


You’re not a true PvP player then.

The true PvP players are the ones with terrible attitudes in this very thread. That just love to ruin other players’ days and get their jollies being a bully (since they can’t take people on IRL, they bully/harass them in-game.)

Feel good OP, you are not a terrible person like almost all the other PvP players.