My issue with PVP

The solution to this is be a good guy. I never start a fight with the alliance. Often times ill /wave if I run into them. Or even help kill a mob or something. But If I come up and there’s several attacking 1horde I will assess the situation and maybe toss some heals or something to balance the fight.

Pvp on pvp servers is not mindless all the time. That’s just gankers. Or possibly a player getting some kind of revenge for getting ganked on their alt.

With wow classic we will get server only communities back. Communities free from random dungeon finders, arenas, rated battle grounds, and cross realm zones.

All of these additions to wow attracted/pulled high level pvpers out of the world, leaving a vacuum that was filled by dishonorable gankers.

There will be good guys running around to dispense justice to the bad guys on pvp servers in wow classic.

If they don’t feel these things, they’re almost inhuman.

I wanted to avoid it, but these ARE incredibly sociopathic views. You have no empathy for anyone. The sick suck all the oxygen out of the room? Would you euthanize every ill person in the world? If that’s the case, you’re quite sick as well.

You are seeing the world through an incredibly one dimensional view. You appear to care only about yourself. You imply that how you see things are ‘right’ and that what I feel is ‘wrong.’ There is no such thing. We both live differently, but there are determinations of how those views are. I won’t go deeper, because I’d rather not have a psychological conversation with someone who doesn’t look outside their own mind. That’s not an insult, it’s just how you’ve presented yourself. And I can’t see how you could possibly disagree with that at this point.

We mostly agree on the pvp stuff. You just have no remorse for any actions you do. You’ll go to any length to enjoy yourself, even if you’re causing other’s grief. I won’t ever say you can’t do that. It’s just that the consequences are folks like me will happily swoop in and give you what’s coming.

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No, I don’t bother with most people. I prefer the company of dogs, and a handful of friends.

Like most people I have sociopathic thoughts. I just am not afraid to look at them. I don’t pretend they don’t exist. I don’t act them out either.

I am amoral, not immoral. I understand that all rules, every last one of them, are nothing more or less than a structure set up by culture to keep us between the guide rails. Rules, including your sense of morality, are just instruments of control. There is no judgement. There is karma - but karma is only the truth that actions have consequences. The mistake is to believe you can apply a rule set to it and predict what the consequences will be in every case.

If you find yourself reactive to my views, why?

I was a critical care nurse for a short while. It was an experiment among other things. I was a good RN. Some of my judgements saved lives. Many family members complimented me on the care of their loved ones. But the experiment was to see if deep exposure to sickness and death would increase my empathy. It didn’t. Just the opposite.

I am much older than most here on the forum. Than most players of the game. I am closer to real death, in all probability, than most here. The proximity of death can be a blessing, it can produce clarity. One can even use death as an adviser. It tells us that what happens in our short lives is of no consequence, so there is nothing to fear and nothing to rage about.

Sorry for the diatribe. But I think it is beneficial sometimes to show people that we aren’t all alike, we don’t all share values, we are first and foremost solitary in our existence. Fellow travelers in the void, life causes us to bump into one another now and then, but there is no safety in the contact.

So, is my view one dimensional . . . or is yours.

Meanwhile, while we pass a few hours in this game, For the Horde.

Oh - one more thing. I respect people who try. I don’t respect people who just cry.

I see the problem as that some people cannot separate an online fantasy game with reality.

I cannot even fathom playing an online game with “euthanize every ill person in the world”.

Who said to do that?

Vitolri said that in their response to your post.

Yeah, but that has to be there. For every person like you that would use it for good there are 10 that would love to discuss the sexual activity of my mother.

As for feeling guilty, we are all in a space where its been predetermined that this is a thing that will happen. I would feel guilty if I tackled a random dude on the street, but not so much if I tackled someone on the other team if I was playing football. Same thing, I think

He was upset. Reacting to my strangeness. No harm done, this is just the internet. I was pimping him, and he reacted.

I suppose that makes a bit more sense, considering the continued explanation.

Cultures and morals are about finding your place, and fitting in, really. Guide rails, yes. But there are so many paths. Don’t fit into one? Hop onto another one. (Considering this, at least, in gaming). There will always be a place for someone, even within a considered culture. I don’t deny that one shouldn’t do what they enjoy, just to expect the possible consequences. Some of those consequences being challenged on said views, as I’ve done thus far. For my case, I either like to help shift someone to more positive views, or learn why they feel the way they do.

Nothing is ever set in stone. I wouldn’t predict consequences 100%, but I do have a fair idea of some that could follow. Like the on-topic counter ganking or some such.

I enjoy discussion and expanding my views with others’. It helps me build as a person to understand others. I question, I challenge, I attempt to convince. But in the end of the day, I never expect to sway someone. And I only hope to learn.

Agreed, but I like to at least give folks a polite chance to change their gears before giving up on them. As well as the above ‘learning why they’re like they are’. It produces plenty of arguments, but that’s my consequence for my actions.

Quotes done here, speaking for myself for a little. It occurs to me that slowly but surely, I’m losing that will to care for others, especially as the current generational entitlement fad seems to rise even more. Hard to keep up with those that want everything, and refuse to put effort it. Even to little points like “I can’t dodge that mechanic” when clearly it’s possible, they just aren’t trying. Those things grate at me. Enough that I would fit into your ideals of ‘if you’re getting upset at a game, you shouldn’t be playing it’. I rationalize it as I enjoy more than I dislike, at the least.

----- I take it back, one more quote :slight_smile:

It wasn’t being upset, it was confusion. You spoke of sick people, and how they were, paraphrasing of course, a waste. The question was more to dig to find out if you would honestly feel better off with them being removed or if it was simply deep disdain for them.

(Sorry folks, for another long post. I get… chatty in these without someone able to stop me when I sound dumb/say something stupid)

This has moved, at least for my part, way outside topic. Sorry for that.

To the OP, It means you have a heart. Don’t let others dissuade you from your care of others.

I take a policy of not starting fights, but if someone else does, I’ll defend myself.

But then the question begs…why did they go into a bg if they didn’t want to kill anyone from the opposing faction ?

I should have clarified. I was talking about ganking/getting ganked. BG’s in my fantasy/willing suspension of disbelief are like a football game between the alliance and horde, haha. I think of it like a Clemson vs Bama game. No one actually dies, they just get knocked out and have to revive at a predetermined location.

Silly, I know. XD

That’s how many of us experience the entire game environment. Ganking is just a play on the field - a hit that slows down the other team.


I’m totally with you on this. Back in vanilla I used to be an a-hole and just kill (or try to kill) everyone I came across. Now it just feels like I’m grieving or bullying someone who is just trying to level their character. I’ve wondered for a long time if it’s just a change in my own personal character as I got older and more sympathetic to other characters playing the game.

It screws me over a lot these days when I ignore an enemy player and let them go and then get jumped by them when another enemy player comes and they feel confident enough to take me on. But… I just can’t bring myself to attack some random player while they’re busy minding their own business.

Actually it is. My mentality is about finding a way to either win, or move on and avoid the conflict. Theirs is about being a helpless victim that must be coddled by big brother. Good luck with that in the real world.

Crying in the forums and saying blizzard should be banning, or punishing people in some way, because they believe being killed a few times by the same guy is griefing, is absurd and should be harshly criticized for what it is; pathetic.

I’m trying to help this guy develop a mental state which will allow him to better himself instead of constantly being a victim.

A little late to apologize for that but hey… xD