My Improvements to Warmode

  1. Add PvP factional world quests. Do this “not” in place of current world quests but in addition to them and have their rewards be more PvP oriented. PvP transmogs, honor, conquest, bloody tokens etc.

  2. Remove all PvE benefits from having Warmode active. Why incentivize the already PvE oriented player to activate Warmode to get more exp only to have them constantly running away from fights? Instead make Warmode feel like WAR to entice more PvP oriented players back into the game.

  3. Add areas of conquest that can be turned by either faction in order to obtain control over the entire zone. Make them feel more like warzones rather than an arena. Faction with control would get additional rewards for that zone such as higher honor gain towards player kills, more bloody tokens dropped etc.

  4. Remove all but one free for all zone and remove any benefit it would give towards completing world quests. Animosity towards the enemy faction (even in a game) is going to happen. Why help cause it to happen towards your own faction?

  5. Remove dungeon entrances. If you want to run a dungeon go to rest area and turn off Warmode and dungeon until your heart is content. This will also stop players from using dungeons to duck and run from a fight.

  6. Do not allow players to queue for BG’s, Skirmishes, Arena, Dungeons etc while outside of a peace zone such as Valdrakken. If they leave the peace zone while in a queue it will pause. This will prevent players from using Skirmish queues to get away from a fight. Numerous times each day I am about to kill a player only to have them disappear into a skirmish queue. I have spoken to players that have said they constantly keep a Skirmish queue at the ready just so they can run into it and not die. BTW, using a queue just to get out of dying would be an exploit.

  7. Do not allow players to accept invites to groups from a different layer if they have been actively engaged in open world PvP for the past 2 minutes. This also prevents players from using a friend in a different layer or their own alt account in a different layer to avoid losing a fight.

  8. Remove or massively modify the current player bounty system… It sucks and was no where near well thought out. Not being able to mount with a bounty is idiotic. Being able to be seen on the map for the opposing faction to find and swarm you is also idiotic. It encourages players with a bounty to log out, duck into a nearby dungeon or ALT F4 etc to avoid dying. Also, it makes no sense to punish a player for killing the enemy with Warmode on.

  9. Add a new profession called Bounty Hunting for PvE and PvP. The PvP side would be to track and hunt players with an active bounty and the PvE side would be the same only the target would be an NPC. The player with the bounty on their head would not get a notification and they would not lose the bounty by logging out. They would have it all the time, Warmode on or off. Only way to clear it would be to die to a bounty hunter or go to an NPC and pay off the bounty. I would use the bounty tracking system similar to SWG. There would be “informant NPC’s” all over that would give players tips on where the target was last seen.

Warmode was forced upon the PvP player base when Blizzard removed PvP servers. Why not embrace the change you made and turn Warmode into something so much more than the miserable playground it is today??


I like the idea, but I would not remove instances instead I would not allow a player to zone in if they are in combat and as far as the queue, they cannot accept it if they are in combat Blizz used to have this in place

The problem with this one is it’s reliant on there being the enemy faction in your phase. I wouldn’t mind more PvP world quests, but not specifically tied to faction. It would become a game to find the phases that are full of the enemy faction in order to get these done. I think that’s the reason why they went with FFA PvP quests this expansion, in the event you couldn’t find the enemy faction to kill you could kill your own.

Not to mention, lorewise the Horde and Alliance are trying to come to peace and it seems like something that’ll last unless more Old God shenanigans are introduced and cause a bunch of mixups.

I don’t think they should remove the PvE incentives, but I definitely agree there should be more PvP incentives added to War Mode.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to encourage a PvE player to try out War Mode and to try out PvP. I think players forget that while PvP servers had great WPvP and a lot of fond memories, there were a lot of players on PvP servers who weren’t there to PvP. They were there for a variety of reasons, which was fine, because they served as “prey.” These are the players who simply couldn’t toggle PvP off like you can with War Mode and needed their guild and friends to come save them if they were being camped, which in turn sparked a lot of WPvP fights.

They should incentivize all players, not just PvPers, to engage in War Mode.

Oh I really miss Halaa and I’ve been asking for something like this again for the longest time.

If they were to implement something like this, there would have to be measures in place to ensure one faction doesn’t simply win by outnumbering the other. It neede to be even for it to work, or else you’ll get one faction dominating it all the time.

I disagree with this because free for all zones are healthy for PvP. I get there are people who feel proud to be Alliance or Horde, but there’s nothing wrong with just wanting to kill everyone, Horde or Alliance.

Removing most free for all zones would be fine IF they implemented a sort of “outlaw/criminal” system to serve as an outlet for those who don’t care about faction loyalty, allowing them to kill anyone they wish. An outlaw/criminal system would make you hostile to your own faction, and the only cities you’d be able to go to are neutral ones or sanctuaries such as Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, Dalaran, Valdrakken, etc.

A bit of a stretch. You should be aware of where you’re fighting at. If you attack an unsuspecting player at the summoning stone in front of a dungeon, there’s no reason to get mad just because the player ran into the instance that they were clearly planning to already do.

You fighting near a dungeon portal should know people are going to potentially run into there. Don’t fight there, and if you are going to, don’t complain when it happens.

You’re Alliance, so I know this might not affect you as it does Horde, but we have to sit long queue times for BGs. It can be anywhere between 6-20 minutes, depending on time of the day when queueing.

Im not going to wait around 6-20 min AFK in a sanctuary for a queue pop. I’m going to do something else while I’m waiting, such as killing people in WPvP.

This is already sort of in place. Players can accept the invite from a different layer, but they won’t phase to the other layer if they are still in PvP combat. The game waits until they are out of PvP combat (gives them quite a few seconds) before phasing them into the new phase and out of the old.

Personally, if I’m being ganked by 3-4 players, I try my best to solo them. However, if a friend happens to be in the zone, I invite them so that they can be phased into my phase and help me fight the people trying to kill me.

Yeah I’ve put this in nearly all of my WPvP feedback threads as well that they need to change the bounty system.

Every time I get a bounty, I log it out every single time. I don’t like going into dungeons and what not because it gets rid of my Assassin buff, but logging out doesn’t, just clears the bounty.

The game will actively try to place a bounty on a player every 10 minutes if eligible for one. My friends and I have timed this and it’s pretty much exactly every 10 minutes.

Sucks that you can’t fly especially with Dragon Riding and how you can already knock players off their mount. Incentivize it more if they aren’t willing to change it.

Instead of a new profession, I’d much rather just see a passive feature of War Mode being dog tags. Players could kill others for their dog tags. Maybe they could add a bounty board to turn in said dog tags into, allowing other players to place bounties on the board for specific targets. It could be integrated into the WoW Armory in some way for better accuracy on who you’re placing the bounty on.

Players can turn in that dog tag for the bounty to claim their reward. I would rather not have another profession slot taken up, I love engineering and can’t get rid of my avatar of bloodshed. Too good to pass up.

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The problem with the queue in combat is not that it is an arena or even bg queue. They are taking skirmish queue’s which match both factions on the same team and are much faster. They literally have a queue ready to join and just run around play. When it pops they cancel it and requeue.

As for the profession, I would love to see it be a profession. I do get your point about it taking up a prof slot. So it is simple, start adding PvP prof slots in addition to the regular ones.

Appreciate your feedback!

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As annoying as it can be, what does it cost you at the end of the day? Are you really losing out on that much by not killing 1 player? 6 honor? A spark of life?

When I run into players like this, I either ignore it or I wait at the spot they took the queue at and kill them when they come out. End of the day though it isn’t that big of a deal, it’s one player.

What would be the difference then if they added PvP professions or a passive War Mode bounty board? Seems a lot of work to specifically add a PvP profession slot that players would need to go learn than just adding a board that functions the same way. :thinking:

Oof. One of the four horsemen has arrived.

the problem is not just one Player it happens a ton right before the kill the phase out

Sh*t! There’s the second one!!!

Here is the 3rd one.

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Really, because I don’t see this happen too often for me.

And even when it does, it’s usually someone I’ve killed 3-4 times already. Again, you’re missing out on a miniscule amount of Honor, maybe a Spark of Life or two.

For me it has nothing to do with the honor, tokens etc. It simply has to do with right and wrong. Any form of exploitation/cheating in PvP highly agitates me and it happens every day I play more than once.

I prefer Warmode actually be filled with people to kill.

Your suggestions would kill Warmode.

Reminder that you have to go back to SW/Org to turn Warmode back on, so not allowing players to enter Dungeons, queue for any instanced content, or earn any PVE rewards would give them every incentive to keep Warmode off, but almost no incentive to keep it on, unless they’re strongly intrinsically motivated by WPVP.

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I’m guessing you use this tactic to
I don’t understand how this can be defended

Really? You don’t see how preventing someone from queueing for anything outside of a sanctuary and pausing queues would completely destroy War Mode?

You’re Alliance. Your queue times are short. My queue times as Horde range anywhere between 6-20 minutes for battlegrounds. I’m not going to afk in the city while I wait for a queue. If I wanted to do that I would’ve played a Shadowlands private server.

Look if someone decided to engage in combat and right before they die they zone out im ok with loosing that kind of garbage player

Totally, because 1 person taking a queue is making you lose out on so much right? :roll_eyes:

It wouldn’t just be those types of players turning off War Mode, it’d be everyone who just wants to play the game normally and not feel like they’re gimped and can’t do the bare minimum of just queueing for a BG just for having War Mode on.

Again, I don’t want to afk in the city waiting for a queue. I’m going to kill people in War Mode while I wait for my queue.

your problem is you think it just one person

And your problem is caring so much about people who are taking a queue lol.

Like seriously, how is that affecting you? What do you lose from them taking a queue? Also, you must have some serious bad luck. I was just at the Nezascar PvP world quest killing tons of players, and I didn’t encounter a single player taking a queue right before I killed them. I gave all of them res timers.

Last night I was not on very long. During the hour I was on I had the following get away from dying due to taking a skirmish queu. Mage 3x, Monk once, Lock 2x and a Warrior several. Way I check is simple, I hop off my toon, hop on a horde toon on their server and add them to my friends list. Each time they were in an arena. I did not check them all, but I checked the first couple. They did not have any 2v2 rating on the Armory. This happens to me every night. To defend or allow this kind of behavior is not acceptable. It is not and never will be about the points I lose. It is about allowing players to exploit the system. It hampers world pvp and encourages others to do it. It will only get worse the more people like you try and make little of it. So either prevent those queue’s in Warmode or prevent a player from taking them while in PvP combat and for at least 10 seconds after leaving PvP combat. 10 seconds to deal with vanish, feign death etc.

I would also accept if a player leaves Warmode (while engaged in active world PvP) by taking a queue they should get a deserter penalty once they are out of which ever it was that lasts 15 minutes. Have the fun little debuff next to their name that says abandoned an active Warmode battle, deserter etc. Make them have to go to Storm/Org once the debuff is off and re-enable it.

Above all else, please stop making excuses and defending people for their bad behavior. If you can think of something better by all means do so. But please do not act like it is not a problem, doing that makes you part of the problem.

It’s not that I’m defending it, I just think your idea is really bad and would kill War Mode participation. It’s not an improvement to War Mode. I don’t have this happen to me very often, and when it does, I just shrug it off.

The reason I shrug it off is because it doesn’t affect me in any way, and I doubt it affects you in any way. The player takes a queue, player avoids a death. I don’t see it any different from a rogue vanishing. Are you upset because they weren’t killed? Is it an ego thing or a satisfaction thing? I don’t understand it and was hoping you could help me understand it.

I can but you’d probably disagree with it still. Simple solution would be if the player is in PvP combat, they can’t take the queue. However, if the queue has less than 10-15 seconds remaining on it, they can take the queue regardless if they’re in PvP combat. I don’t think anyone should be completely unable to take a queue just because they’re engaged in a fight, because then that disrupts whatever queue they were trying to get into. If it was a skirmish and they can’t take the queue and finish said skirmish, that right there just kills whichever team they were supposed to be on. Very hard to pull of a 1v2 or a 2v3 in skirmishes.