My guild my guild is awesome

This has nothing to do with your handy cap guild or old content that you want to min max its how the majority of you treat people who play the game for what it is.

Again, attack me personally but give me a reason why any of your min max bs matters and you cant. you need some sort of validation the end of the day as ive stated that you cant refute-

the game isn;t hard it doens’t matter what people play 15 years ago we cleared it with half the dps so put the dad elitist cup down. That is the real issue is how much stuff people talk about nothing. I made a point that we cleared the content with ease i might add with 2 rets and a prot. I am sorry your so salty and take offense.

Grats on whatever you parse, you won the tin hat on the short bus

But you clearly didn’t clear it with ease, lol. To this point you’ve still never done a sub 2hr MC, and you take 2 nights to clear BWL. That isn’t “ease” in the scope of this easy game.

If you enjoy it, good for you, but your group isn’t good and it shows. You came here talking crap and making untrue claims about your guild, then for some reason started trying to rip on mages? Yeah you’re gonna get hit with some facts to bring you back down to earth, especially when you’re bold faced lying about your clear times by an hour or more.

I don’t care what you do or have done. I’m not playing with you so it doesn’t affect me any way, but I’m gonna spit facts on you when you’re this far out of your lane.

Wait Ret paladins can pvp? I don’t think I’ve literally ever died to any paladin, especially a ret. Half the time I don’t even attack them, because I feel bad. If you die to a ret or warrior as a mage you have to just quit or reroll, it’s a rule somewhere I think.

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if I see a Paladin out farming in the world I always think about attacking, then watch as it takes them 30 seconds to kill their mob and decide they’ve had it hard enough.

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cleared it yesterday in a few hours and was pretty easy. Then went killed razorgore and vael in 30 mins. then, because we were at 3 hours we logged to get up for work today and will finish it off tonight.

explain to me the massive skill cap again?

What skill cap? I lead a Pug MC that clears in 2 hours. Im able to carry the DPS as well because my class isn’t gimped in that department.

Fact is no matter your skill level you can’t make Ret DPS good.

EDIT: my pugs logs


Caring so much about what I’m doing on wow flatters me. I love u 2 boo

I couldn’t care less. In case you don’t remember this is your thread, and you’re the one trying to talk poo on mages for doing more damage than you

You are cringey af

Never said that. Haters gonna hate

Right. You weren’t talking smack on mages.

Also, extra LOL on Ret Paladins being high skill cap. Try out PvP Frost mage if you want a high skill cap

I mean, let’s be honest, even if you’re full holy, unless it’s detrimental to be in melee or you really need to focus on healing/cleansing for the fight there’s really no reason not to still go and whack some heads with a seal up.

Deep Ret doesn’t really change or alter gameplay at all either. All of the talents are pretty much straightforward damage bonuses, so regardless of my spec as a paladin if I want to melee I’m fundamentally doing the same thing no matter what.

What I’m trying to say is spec doesn’t dictate your character in Classic like it does in retail. In retail you pick your spec and your entire ability loadout and talents available to you changes. In Classic, no matter where you put your talents you always have access to your core kit.

I personally think it’s a mistake to come at a class in Classic with the mentality of “I’m a Ret Paladin” or “I’m a Holy Paladin”. You’re really always just a PALADIN

If I’m playing deep holy/half ret you can bet I’m still going to try and get into melee with a seal up and at least auto attack if I can, because why not?

If I’m deep ret/half holy I still get Illumination and tools to allow me needing to sit back and heal sometimes still be perfectly fine to do.

I’ve even been OT back in vanilla on fights like Executus and Tiger boss if it was needed without having a single point in the prot tree. I’d just throw on all my plate gear and a shield and righteous fury and I was good to go, and it worked fine. No, those aren’t difficult fights but that’s not the point. The point was my guild asked me to step up and I was still able to in those instances, and that feels really cool to me.

I’d OT on tiger boss, then on Hakkar later on I’d be the guy responsible for cleansing polymorphs. I find this dynamic way more fun and contributing to the overall raid than just what are my numbers on a chart, and I don’t think this kind of thing is valued nearly enough.

Idk my hero/ elite retail achieves mean nothing…oh wait I cleared naxx in vanilla also but I dont know what I’m talking about. I tmogg icebane/ corrupted ashbringer on a Dk and rank1 wod / cata elite gear on my paladin, while coaching players when I’m not raiding in classic. But again I have no idea what I’m talking about…

The point of this thread is simple. Classic elitism is unfounded and stupid. Your an ignorant tool if you think talking about someone’s spec in a game that literally was designed to be cleared at half the dps current players put out due to a private server community that, has in order to make the content relevant to themselves, created a timer (kinda like mythic plus without the reward) and parses to attempt to justify how good or bad they are at a game that is literally a nostalgia experience.

Twitch cathorist if you have any questions on what in saying is true.

100% you got it in TBC.

There was no rank 1 gear, it was 2200 gear and 2200 was easy to get in Cata.

Glad you’re on board.


Glossed over my hero titles and elite bfa ones. I can coach you if you want

I watched about 2 minutes of your stream. I watched you get cleaved and Shadowflamed by Nef and I watched you run in early on Chromagg and eat a breath. I then watched as you slowly moved your mouse over to your Lay on Hands and you clicked it, took like 4 seconds.

If I want to learn how to click and react 3 seconds slower, I’ll come to you, okay?

Link ur retail main. But u didnt watch me embarrass the top Dk in the world.

It’s called yelling easy classic content while beating the best. Stay in your small pond son

Your highest arena achieve is 1750. Highest RBG is 1900.

Why did you delete the link to the character you posted? Is it because it’s on another account? Now what reason would one account be so much higher rated than the other?

Hmmm, I don’t know! I can’t for the life of me figure it out!


I deleted it because it literally changed that toons name yesterday and you somehow had it and deleted it from this thread less then a hour after posting it because I didn’t want to be bothered on retail and you somehow had the link. It reminded me how creepy and weird people can be.

You win 1500 posts about classic wow and estalking. This went from troll to dark and weird quickly. I’ve been stalked on wow before and this is kinda how it started the first time. You win man whatever just stay away from me.