My guild my guild is awesome

Because who wants their water bottle out of a vending machine to have salt in it?

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You seem like you’re the one pissed off so I hope you’re not insinuating that coming here and making passive-aggressive post is a sign of maturity.

You’re entire post is flame-bait so I’m guessing you’re a child or a 20 something year old still living with your parents.

See how assumptions work?

I don’t think you know what a vending machine is.

I think I do. It’s just being used as an analogy here.

Getting you to spend the time to check the Logs is a win for me.

Pissingoff and trolling wrath dads is what I was doing. I’ll give u a nightfall and seal of crusader and get back to me.

Or when I crit the boss and was one shot in the first 10 seconds. Stay in your fishbowl

… I don’t think you know what an analogy is. Have you been hanging out with Britta?

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I revel in mage tears. Must be what they conjer up everytime a paladin gets a mageblade

Took me < 2 mins to find all this information.

Maybe you can take those minutes to better learn your class to help your raid.

I can imagine many players being platinum mad that not 1, but 2 ret paladins are taking and wasting their gear.

The high skillcap of grabbing every buff imaginable and then auto attacking for an entire fight? The delusion and the cope is too real.

Alright, let’s begin.

Your first and only BWL clear had 8 Warriors and wasn’t done in a single night. It took 3 hours and 25 minutes between those two days.

Your only properly recorded MC run has you at rank 110/110 on Earthfury. It was a 3 hour clear. It looks to take you about 2 hours and 20 minutes a clear now.

2 and a half hours.

Anyone can check out warcraftlogs if they want to verify.

Its less about the gear not helping the paladin as much as the warrior or rogue, and more about the fact you’ll start to lose those better performing warriors and rogues when their gear starts to get sniped by someone not putting out half their DPS, so they leave for guilds that properly prioritize their gear distribution

If you are bringing “insert lower performing class with spec x” to a raid, you run the risk of those players leaving regardless because your guild might not be as serious as they would prefer.

People are fickle and selfish. It is what it is. Guilds can design loot priority however they choose to the benefit or detriment of people playing off shoot classes / specs.

Regardless, it isn’t a skill thing and it isn’t a “helps this class more” thing. Those are both guild decisions. Players choosing to leave a guild based on those decisions is their own prerogative. Ultimately, if the content gets cleared quickly and painlessly, it has been my experience that players will stay even if there is some grumbling about the loot distribution. And I say this, again, being in a guild who gave our first DFT to a cat because he had the highest priority value in the epgp system we use.

I mean, look at OP’s guilds parses. He’s clearly lying about how well his guild does in all of the raids they do. A large part of that reason is probably that they don’t have an especially skilled/competent core. Why is that?

It may just be because they give these meme specs equal priority on all gear, as opposed to ensuring they gear the raid carries first so they can secure a clear every week.

Once they’re at that point and have their Tanks, Heals and highest DPS geared up, then no i don’t see a problem of giving those dedicated meme specs gear. Until then it’s pretty stupid to gimp yourself by doing that from the start

Yeah, but then you have other examples like mine. I think we had the 10th cleanest BWL on the server on Sunday and have had the content on farm in 2 raids since late february. We don’t prioritize the gear and our parses are kinda all over the board for consistency (mine included). We don’t post ZG runs, so can’t really give you stats on those.

Not saying we are some amazing group that just blows everyone out of the water, but 7/8 day one 8/8 day two is a lot better than most guilds did when BWL dropped. And we do run with multiple sub optimal specs.

Edit: and to be clear, I am not trying to defend the OP or his guild here. They clear stuff at whatever pace their parses say they do lol. I am mainly saying that while passing gear to the “correct” classes is a way to ensure progress, it doesn’t necessarily mean that not doing so restricts progress in any meaningful way and it also doesn’t ensure those players will remain with the guild once they have the gear.

I find it funny that with all the parsing this and that you have all ignored the 2 main points of my post,

  1. The dps was never balanced properly, 15 years ago I was clearing this content with half the dps the entire “progression” argument goes out the window. Your parse is also flawed because it is more often then not based on consumables and world buffs. This is the same great game but not the same great experience. I know its hard for you to believe but we didn’t use them. 15 years ago, only the tanks really used them. I was in naxx, as a holy paladin in full tier1 wiping. So blowhard elitist dads, quit harassing your enhance shamans and ret paladins, and enjoy the game.

  2. My parsing argument was just my own estimation, I enjoy the people i play with enough I guess I didn’t pay attention but it felt that way. This entire thread was created because I am harassed for playing this game by terrible human beings that also play this game for the way I want to play it. Mages are usually the ones that cry the most about it. You have spent time looking at my parses to prove me wrong or whatever, but none of you can give me a valid explanation as to how parses matter at all. Be happy you rolled a broken spec that wont be nerfed in a 2 year period and leave the rest of us alone.

If they don’t matter to you or your guild, cool. I looked at your logs because most people that make posts like yours just come here to lie about how awesome everything is, which you did.

If you don’t care about clearing AQ40 or Naxx, that’s fine. Take as many Gray parsing Ret Paladins as you want.

i already did that 15 years ago i still rock my sweet sweet corrupted ashbringer transmog. Ill clear naxx again this time with a prot paladins tanking. Ill even stream it.

You seem pretty defensive for someone so content with being ret…I’m thinking you’re self-concious about your deeps. Calm down and keep raid buffing

You literally came here talking crap and now people are terrible human beings for shooting you down? We have a couple enhance shamans and theyre great guys, they come to raids and they know that because they chose enhance they’re not first priority on melee DPS gear. Did they get prio’d HoR and the Crown off Rag? Yeah, of course they did, but they’re not gonna get first DFT just because they’re good guys. When they decided on that role they knew full well what they were getting into.

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And this is where I agree with you. If you joined a guild and rolled a spec that the guild has stated will not get priority on certain loot, that’s on you if you don’t like the results. If you are ok with that and enjoy the guild, stick around and eventually it will fall to you.