My guild my guild is awesome

Huh? I somehow had it? I googled the name I saw in the stream and the new name popped up on the first link to an arena website.

Yeah, my 5 second google stalking skills are so epic.

You win man. Whatever you say 1500 almost 1600 posts and constantly replying to a troll is enough for me. I am out. 1600 forum posts should have red been the red flag.

For those I entertained by this it was fun staying off the wow forums.

Ok, cool, see ya later friendo.

Are you actually serious with this junk?

Unless you’re an over the top try hard guild the first DFT going to a sub-optimal spec is going to matter about as much as the color of your computer case to clearing the content. While I certainly agree AQ and Naxx will be harder than current content we are already seeing higher dps parses in Classic than we ever saw on average in Vanilla.

Calm down. I personally didn’t get DFT yet. I prioritized other tanking gear and we’ve only seen a few drop. My guild had a priority set for DFT. Rogue = Fury Warrior = Feral Druid > Prot Warrior. So yeah, I have a good shot at DFT, but I also have prio on multiple pieces of other gear. We run SK. It works. It’ll be okay either way. The fact you think one trinket will make or break the average raiding guild is hilarious.

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In b4 your guild collapses at AQ

I won’t be surprised if some leave. Threat management actually matters AQ and beyond. We have threat issues we speak on every raid. That said people come and go. Either you recruit or you stop raiding.

Not you, OP

sounds like a lot of fun.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’ve seen plenty I question how far they’ll make it. Naxx will be a time to take a drink and watch the forum drama ensue.

1st DFT should go to MT, then rogue prio. If you don’t do that you’re capping your Warrior’s DPS potential by forcing them to hold back.

That’s not tryhard, that’s just facts. Your MT should be your best geared player to ensure his/her threat gen is as high as it can be. Otherwise you’re holding your other warriors back.

EDIT: also, if your MT isn’t Fury prot you’re also capping your other warrior’s potential. Find you a legitimate tank and you’ll see im correct.